The New Girl On The Block: Color Blocking

The New Girl On The Block: Color Blocking

How to wear spring’s colour blocking trend.

rita ora color blocking

The weather may be drab, but your Spring wardrobe doesn’t have to be. Not with the new trend on the block: colour blocking. A favourite amongst stylish celebs such as SJP, Rita Ora and Rihanna, colour blocking is the perfect way to bring a burst of colour to your look. Here at YCB, we love these two dresses by Limited Collection at Marks and Spencer; dress them up with a statement necklace or down with flats to achieve the perfect punch.


Perhaps the ultimate office-friendly trend, colour blocking lends itself well to a smart-casual look. This white and red panel adds an edge to the classic shirt, and can be pared down with fitted trews. Or, for a look which will take you from desk to dance floor, opt for this zesty blazer. Choose between a wide range of fab neon pieces at


Xenia Rimmer

Xenia is a writer and blogger, currently based in London. She has had lots of experience within the media; spending time at places such as The Sunday Times, The BBC and S Magazine. Writing for YCB is something that she loves, as well as blogging for her own site; Follow her on Twitter @XeniaRimmer !