How to turn ‘Blue Monday’ around by showcasing each other’s talent
Can we beat ‘Blue Monday’ by triggering happiness endorphines showcasing each other’s talent? Bloggers and industry experts think so.
January can be a real tough month. It’s cold, full of fresh starts, and overflowing with unfulfilled expectations or unmade resolutions. It’s almost no wonder there’s such a thing known as Blue Monday, or the most depressing day of the year, according to some mathematical equation done by Sky Travel. They released a story a few years ago, deeming the 3rd Monday of every January to be hence known as Blue Monday, or the saddest day of the year. Until now, nobody really knew how to combat it, or at least, not publicly yet. Bring in science and brain matter to the rescue.
Working with happiness expert Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics and bestselling author of ‘Happiness By Design’, we learnt that helping to support others and doing something proactive to improve someone else’s life can make us happier and potentially also improve our brain power.
Paul said: “The brain is malleable, just like other organs. Experiences of pleasure and purpose can literally change your brain. Giving back allows us to be our happiest selves – helping people fundamentally gives us both pleasure and purpose during this experience.’’
So basically, by complimenting and uplifting other’s achievements, we in turn can make ourselves feel a bit better as well getting a ton of good karma points. Even complimenting or acknowledging the small things someone does can release neurological endorphins, making us feel and reflect better. And by feeling better internally, we do and look better. It’s funny how far a compliment can really go.
To be honest, though, the solution to beating Blue Monday seems a little campy, don’t you think? Even if it’s backed by scientific evidence, it couldn’t be as simple as lifting others up a bit or noting their accomplishments, could it? Try it for yourself.
Start small, as with any habit, as it can be a little uncomfortable if you’re not used to saying compliments or encouraging words out loud. After all, there isn’t the saying “fake it until you make it” for no good reason if it wasn’t at least a little bit true.
By at least trying this, you’ll start to notice a small, tingling feeling in some internal crevice and that something similar to a light switch is going off in your brain. Thanks endorphins. You’re working overtime here, aren’t ya? Once you start incorporating the small things into your daily life, you’ll not only feel better but you’ll have a small glow to you as well that others will start to notice. And it’s a great never-ending neurological endorphin cycle. That would be the end goal, but sometimes life gets in the way and I’m not sure if we’d appreciate the highs if we didn’t have to pull ourselves out of some lulls as well.
Anyway, it’s just plain fun to learn more about the small ways we can make our own lives a little better. And if we can lift each other up a bit at the same time, why not at least try it? We all like the effect endorphins have not only physically but also emotionally and mentally so why not try to incorporate that into our daily lives? By no means am I expecting us to be endorphin strung out people but having ways to avoid Blue Monday at all costs, I’d be willing to try a few different things. I like feeling good and I like showcasing other people’s talents so by combining the two, it seems like a good way to keep myself on the right track. Additionally, it’s a good backup plan if I’m having a rough day or want to get myself out of a rut. After all, it’s plain science.