Thesis Writing: 7 Things You Should Know

Thesis Writing: 7 Things You Should Know

January 5, 2017

Tips for effective and smooth thesis writing process

Tips for effective and smooth thesis writing process

Thesis writing is a challenge, and a beginning researcher should take every chance to simplify his or her writing process. Spider Essay writers believe that following simple steps and mechanics can result in a much more pleasant experience thesis production. Follow the offered list of seven key aspects of thesis research and never get caught into its stressful intricacies: tips for thesis-writing

1. Select a researchable problem.

Keep in mind that the thesis is a product, with its beginning, middle, and end. Once you start working on the thesis, the ultimate product of your efforts may be vague, but once you reach the middle of the research process, you may find your research problem unrealistic. Don’t make the mistake that many researchers made before you and will make in future: balance your research aspirations with visualisation of research process. Make at least a rough outline of the way in which you are planning to approach the topic to see whether you will be able to achieve your goals or not.

2. Do not underestimate the significance of literature review in your work.

Undertaking a thorough, detailed review of evidence existing in your field of study. It will help you distinguish what is known and not known on the topic of your interest, and to formulate a research gap more distinctly.

3. Familiarise yourself with research methods before designing the research methodology.

Too many researchers choose a wrong methodology, which makes their research weak and does not allow them to achieve research objectives. Before formulating the methodology, read more about research paradigms, research approaches, types of qualitative and quantitative designs, and methods of data analysis.

4. Develop testable research questions.

Research questions bring together your research subject and ways of achieving the research goals. Formulating effective, concise research questions is a strategically important step adding clarity to your thesis and linking the introduction, method, and instruments of research with anticipated outcomes.

5. Analyse data with your research objectives in mind.

When you conduct data analysis, you should always remember what you were initially interested in and how you wanted to explore the issue. During analysis, some new insights may arise and their interpretation may detach you from the original research process.

6. Discuss data critically and situate findings within the broader context of research.

Finding something out in the study is always valuable; even finding no answers to your questions is also a productive outcome. However, research is not isolated, and you should contextualise your study within the broader field of research to show how it informs science and what insights it adds to the existing body of knowledge.

7. Revisit your introduction after data analysis to see whether you achieved your research aims.

The research process is lengthy and challenging; you may fall in despair many times during its completion, change the method, change the instruments, adapt the introduction to findings of the preliminary literature review, etc. In the end, you may come up with not exactly what you started with. Thus, before submission of the final thesis, make sure to reread and proofread the entire paper for finalising the project and making it a holistic, cohesive document.

Brian is an experienced freelance consultant currently employed at Having worked as a researcher and academic writer for some time, Brian has proven his expertise and decided to take a shot at helping people worldwide with professional advice on career development, academic success, and proper research skills.