5 Relationship Resolutions to Stick to in 2018!
They say honesty is the best policy and it seems this is true for a growing number of couples. A new survey of over 1,000 married individuals by London law firm Brookman Solicitors conducted over the Christmas period has revealed that nowadays, more couples are truthful about their feelings, which in turn helps to avoid family tensions, prevent relationship breakdowns and avoid the January blues.
The online survey was conducted with 1023 married individuals, based in the US, during December 2017. The couples were asked 10 questions relating to Christmas, relationships and their partner’s use of technology, family tensions, honesty and their plans for the new year.
Based on the survey results, here are 5 relationships resolutions that couples should stick to in 2018 to ensure a happier, healthier year ahead!
Arguments and tensions are a natural part of any healthy relationship, but the way you handle them can have a huge impact on the future direction of your relationship. 66% surveyed said they address any conflict head on and speak about it, helping to alleviate any tension immediately. Holding onto negative thoughts and feelings doesn’t just affect your own health and wellbeing, it affects those around you too and if left unaddressed, could lead to relationship problems further down the line.
Despite the long-held belief that couples often make poor present decisions for their partners, 67% of respondents said their partner DID take notice of their hints for Christmas presents this year. However, in the event that the wrong decision was made, 58% would be honest with their partner and admit they didn’t like their present, avoiding the need to keep ‘pretending’ to like that awful gift for months on end! Whilst it might seem easier to keep quiet, sharing these honest moments with each other will help to develop a much deeper, genuine relationship in the long run.
Social media usage has been the bone of contention in many relationships, so it was surprising to see that 40% of respondents said their partner wouldn’t check their social media profiles at all on Christmas Day. This pattern of behaviour should continue in the new year, not just on special occasions, ensuring that couples can spend more time interacting and enjoying each other’s company without the distraction of technology.
Only a third of respondents said they they would experience family tensions or arguments over the holiday period. Making special effort to create good, strong relationships, not just with your partner, but your wider family and friendship units is important to create a calmer, less stressful environment for you as a couple and will help reduce the chances of arguments and tension fuelled by the actions or words of wider family or friends.
63% of those surveyed said they planned to change or improve an aspect of their life in 2018. Whilst this could spark a new hobby, a career change, a new home or even a new baby, for some it could indicate a change in relationship if things aren’t going to plan.
By fully supporting your partner in helping them to achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations you can help to deepen your relationship, build trust and show that you care about what is personally important to them.