5 Tips to Make Your New House Feel Like a Home

5 Tips to Make Your New House Feel Like a Home

October 26, 2021

Congratulations! You’ve moved into or are in the process of moving into your new home. This is an exciting step and an excellent opportunity to put your stamp on your space to make it truly feel like home.

Whether you’re a homeowner or you’ve chosen to rent a room in Amsterdam (or elsewhere), making your new space your own is an important step in getting that ‘ahhh’ feeling when you walk in after a long day. There are many ways you can make your new house feel like home, so keep reading for our 5 top tips for injecting that ‘homey’ feeling.

Add Some Wall Art

One of the easiest and most effective ways to transform the feel of a room and make your mark is by putting up home wall art. If you’re renting your home, you can buy hanging strips that can hold wall art without the need for a nail in the wall.

The wall art you choose should reflect the colours and shapes that bring you joy, as well as the shades that compliment your space. You can coordinate your wall art with the colours in your soft furnishings, your midnight blue dark blue house wall colour or even choose a whole new colour theme. 

Not only does wall art display your individual personality and interests, but research also shows that simply looking at art can reduce stress and make you happy. 

Scientists have proved that we get a considerable boost of pleasure from looking at things that we consider to be beautiful, so fill your spaces with home wall art for that extra dose of happiness!

Add Some Greenery

So, you’ve added some home wall art for that lived-in feeling. Maybe you’ve curated that perfect colour scheme. What’s next? 

Whether you’re into fresh vases of flowers or you’re more of a potted plant person, you can make a new home feel alive by bringing in some fresh greenery. 

Not only do plants add colour and a feeling of vibrance, being around plants can have a calming effect and make you feel more at peace in your new space.

Keep Nostalgic Pieces 

It might be tempting to throw out those pieces of furniture or home accessories that you’ve had for years, but keeping hold of some of these will help your new home feel more familiar. 

You could think about ways to reinvent what you’ve already got to breathe new life into your new space. 

Got an armchair that’s looking a bit tired? Getting this reupholstered will not only be cheaper than buying a new one, but it also keeps part of your old home alive. Likewise, wooden furniture can be painted to create a whole new look! 

Plus, you can make sure that you’re organising your upholstery and furniture to match all that amazing home wall art you’ve added for a cohesive, inviting aesthetic! 

If you want to bring in some memorable pieces of furniture from your last home, you should go ahead and do that. Some kind of continuity and emotions are necessary to make your new house your home. Make sure that you are taking help from the best and most reputed house removal services in london for transporting your furniture from your old house to the new one.

Organise Your Space

No one likes living in a chaotic space, surrounded by moving boxes and unorganised clutter. Knowing where everything is, and feeling like all your possessions have a home is also part of the process of feeling settled in a new space.

Now is the perfect time to eliminate unwanted items that no longer serve a purpose and create effective storage for the rest. This process will help you remove any possessions that you might have kept in your old house but are no longer bringing you joy – leaving more space for those that do!

Become A Host!

Last but by no means least, one of the best ways you can bring a new home to life is to invite your favourite people over to enjoy your new home together. 

Showing your loved ones around and sharing your ideas for the space can make it really come to life. Having guests can also inject some joy into your home and make it feel like a social space you can enjoy!

Eve Crabtree is a journalist with a passion for interior design. She keeps up to date with the latest trends in the interior industry and regularly tests her hand at crafting and redecorating during her spare time.