88% of Brits say Money Worries Keep Them Awake: Here’s How to Avoid Sleepless Nights

The cost-of-living crisis means that money worries are increasingly widespread. For most people, this is causing sleep disruption, with nearly nine in 10 (88%) Brits saying that thoughts about money impact their sleep in some way.

The study, by Virgin Money, found that sleepless nights are a frequent occurrence for some. More than one in 10 (12%) say that money worries are keeping them awake every night, with another 14% experiencing sleep disruption on a weekly basis.

The research also shows that people are equally likely to worry about their current financial situation (16%) as they are their future finances (16%), highlighting that this isn’t a short term problem.

When it comes to worrying about money, the survey shows that women are more likely to experience sleep disruption than men. Financial anxiety was also found to be most likely to impact the sleep of 25-34-year-olds, while the over 55’s are the least likely to experience sleep disruption.

The research finds that people are struggling with money worries regardless of income. Brits earning £25,000-£50,000 are slightly more likely to be kept awake by financial anxiety than those earning £10,000-£25,000, but high earners still struggle with money concerns, with eight in 10 of those earning £75,000-£100,000 saying that money worries sometimes impact their sleep.

To help prevent sleepless nights due to money worries, Katy Simpson, personal finance expert at Virgin Money, has partnered with Dr Hana Patel, sleep expert at Time4Sleep, to share 5 tips for getting a good night’s sleep in the face of stress.

  1. Don’t shy away from your finances

Katy says: “When we’re confronted with something that’s causing us stress, it’s a common reaction for people to bury their worries and avoid interacting with their source of anxiety, in this case, their money. But ignoring your finances could actually create more problems.

“Avoiding checking your online bank account regularly for example, might mean that you don’t spot fraudulent activity. Or that you’re unaware of a bounced payment, meaning that you miss an instalment which could incur a charge from the supplier and negatively impact your credit score, or that you’re in your overdraft. Keeping on top of your online banking means that you’ll be aware of any potential issues, and you’ll be able to plan ahead.”

  1. Schedule daily ‘worry time’

Dr Patel comments: “Scheduling dedicated ‘worry time’ will allow your mind to process anxious thoughts, including money worries. Reflect on these thoughts by writing them down, as seeing them in front of you can allow you to address your concerns, recognise how unrealistic some of these scenarios are and reduce any feelings of anxiety. Writing your worries down can also help you to focus on developing a solution and see clearly what actions you need to take to better manage your finances and ease your concerns, which can help you to feel more relaxed as the evening approaches.

“Take 10 minutes every day for ‘worry time’, you can even block this in your calendar so it becomes a daily practice. With repetition of ‘worry time’ you should begin to notice that you have a somewhat quieter mind, which is particularly important as you approach bedtime.”

  1. Get the hang of budgeting

Katy explains: “Taking some time at the start of every month to create a budget will help you to spend and save effectively, as well as allow you to spot and address any money issues in advance.

“You may find that the coming month has several important birthdays, or that a large annual payment is due. Budgeting means that you’ll have factored these expenses into your spending at the beginning of the month and will allow you to plan accordingly around your financial commitments.”

  1. Get used to talking about your money

Katy says: “Many people don’t feel able to talk openly about money with friends and family. As a result, some can feel forced into social activities or purchases that they can’t afford, and this can cause financial anxiety.

“By practising talking about your money with those close to you, you can get into the habit of saying ‘no’ to unnecessary expenses. It’s not a bad thing to tell a friend that you can’t afford to go out this weekend, or to explain to a family member that things are a bit tight around their birthday, but you’ll treat them after you’ve been paid.”

  1. Routine, routine, routine

Dr Patel comments: “The repetition of a bedtime routine can work wonders for reducing pre-sleep anxiety. Instead of allowing your mind to wander, you can focus on what’s next as part of your routine, whether that’s reading, running a bath or going to sleep.

“This routine will also help to trigger feelings of tiredness while allowing you to properly wind down, and this works particularly well when the routine is repeated. Aim to keep a regular bedtime too, as this will help to solidify the routine.”

Rachel Bartee

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer dreaming of a tour around the world to write a story of her greatest life adventure. For the time being, she feels inspired by her daily yoga sessions and her career in copywriting & marketing.