The Cornerstones of Running a Home Business: What You Need to Focus On

Running a business from the safety and security of your own home is a great idea. However, before you really kick into action, you’ve got to be sure you are ready for the work ahead. And the simple reason why? Establishing a company is one of the hardest things to do, even with an internet connection, and there’s no saying you’ll be successful in a year’s time. 

When you’ve got little to no support outside of your own living room, you’ve got a real uphill battle ahead. You have to work out everything on your own, pick up as many skills as you can along the way, and work with the kind of budget that millions of small businesses would struggle on. 

As far as your career scope goes, this can be a stressful reality to face. That’s why you need to know about the cornerstones of running a home business; here are the best to focus on as you get set up. 

Refining Your Idea into a Plan

This is the first thing you’ll have to do. You might have the basic idea of a plan for what you want for your business, but do you have a proper action phase to deploy? If not, it’s time to refine your initial idea into something that has actionable steps, defined objectives, and a 5-year goal at the end. 

To do this, follow a business plan template and work through each of the questions in good time. You want to have a fully developed idea to show to the bank, any other loan lenders you go to, as well as any investors you want to attract in the near future. And for yourself, you can use the business plan as a comfort blanket; you’ve got a literal map of where you want to go, and now it’s time to follow it! 

Establishing Yourself on Social Media

A social media presence is the number one thing a modern business needs. Yes, you’ve got to have your finger on the social media button at all times, to ensure you’re keeping up with the relevant circles you operate in. This way you get your name out there, as well as connect with others in your niche, which can lead to further opportunities on either side of the counter in the future. 

Thankfully, it’s a lot easier to get on social media than it was 10 years ago. Algorithms have come very far, and push your tagged posts in front of the relevant audiences without much input from you. This means you just need to know your way around hashtags, as well as the best times to post

Building a Reliable Website

What does it mean to build a reliable website? It means you have an adaptable web page to work from, that can host a lot of traffic, and you won’t have to worry about client interactions. And it also means you won’t struggle with factors like HubSpot integration, if you want to set up a proper CRM platform as you get bigger and bigger. So, how do you get started here? 

Even a primary website builder will work well, but if you want to start from scratch, it’s best to work with a webmaster or coding professional. This way you’ll be more intimately involved with the process, and you’ll be kept in the loop about why something looks and functions the way it does. As someone looking to establish a respectable business, this kind of knowledge will be invaluable! 

Polishing a Professional Attitude

How do you present yourself as a business owner? Because you’re always going to have to be polite, friendly, and professional, no matter the tone of the brand you’re generating! This means you need to take some time to polish your professional attitude – your customer service depends on good presentation and this is where you experiment with that. 

Dress smart, make sure you’re smiley if you’re ever connecting in person, and be aware of how the conversation turns. If you’ve always got something to say, even if it’s just casual and friendly, you’re going to set a good impression in someone’s mind. You’re personable, you clearly have confidence in your business, and you’re not hard to get along with. That’s always promising! 

Creating a Plan for the Future

You need to know where you’re going. As we said above, a business plan is going to help you outline this. However, you need to think a bit more about where you really want to be in a year, then the standard 5 years, and then 10 years. You don’t have to dedicate yourself to these plans fully, as circumstances change here and there, but you need to be able to nudge yourself in the right direction as you go.

For instance, as you expand, maybe you’ll try a virtual office london provider and opt to move your business location (only in name) to a central location in one of the biggest cities in the world. Not only will this offer a reputable image of your company to potential business partners and clients, but it will also help you to work more efficiently by taking time-consuming tasks like mail sorting and call handling off your – and your employees’ – hands. Conversely, maybe you’ll choose to employ new members and grow your in-house team so you can provide a quality service to a bigger audience.

Whatever you decide you want to achieve in the future, be sure that you have a plan on how to get there. This way you’ll be able to easily adapt when you need to; say you lose a big client, or an employee’s hands in their notice when you really needed them to stay on – you can bounce back from both of these issues when there’s a guide in your back pocket.

Ensuring You’ve Got the Commitment

When reading through all of the points above, do you find yourself getting excited about the challenge ahead? If not, it’s time to think about the level of commitment you have for your business idea. 

Sure, it’s going to be hard. But if that’s not what you want in your life right now, this is the time to strongly consider what you’re doing and if this is the right time. Your business is going to need the whole of you! 

Do you have an idea for a home business? Then it’s time to put your effort into these cornerstones! They’ll ensure you prepare the ground properly for success, and you won’t have much trouble moving from one objective to the next. Create your business plan, prioritise steps like these, and you’ll be able to happily look to the future as you go.

Charlotte Giver

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.