7 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Admit it: Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year. Getting everything ready, making sure everyone is happy, and ensuring that everything is taken care of leaves you with very little time to actually enjoy the holiday. Well, here are seven tips to use during your next Christmas celebration to minimize the stress so that you can feel the Holiday Spirit too.

1. Plan Ahead

Don’t wait until the last minute to get everything ready. Start planning a month or two in advance by taking care of some of the more menial tasks: instead of buying string lights, consider looking at permanent Christmas lights cost to save you time. Permanent lights mean that you don’t have to go outside with a ladder to get your home ready for the holiday season.

2. Say “Yes” To Fun

When December starts, make a bucket list of things you want to get done before the 25th. Focus on getting these fun activities done instead of only focusing on the work you have to do. You’ll definitely have a more positive Christmas.

3. Learn To Say “No” More Often

Although the season is about bringing joy to other people, you should save some for yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no when you’re already feeling overwhelmed. This will reduce the stress you’re feeling and give yourself time to have fun. Don’t spend time doing activities with others that aren’t bringing you joy.

4. Simplify Your Gift Buying

It can be nice to wow your friends and family with elaborate gifts, but if you’re only doing it to impress them, then you’re buying gifts for the wrong reasons. Instead, you could focus on more practical gifts that they need and make a spending budget so that you’re not breaking your wallet.

5. Give Up On Perfection

Striving for perfection is only going to lead to disappointment. Focus on creating a “good enough” atmosphere that everyone is still going to enjoy. You’ll have much more fun in a relaxed atmosphere than worrying about everything going perfectly. Because if you can admit to yourself that not everything has to go perfectly, the easier it will be for you to accept those “oops” moments that aren’t going to completely ruin Christmas.

6. Go Against The Norm

Don’t be afraid to explore new activities that go against tradition. Celebrating in a different way will definitely create memories with your friends and family that you’ll remember forever. Invite your loved ones to come up with ideas that you can celebrate together and decide on one that sounds the most exciting to everyone.

7. Schedule Some Relaxing Time For Yourself

Can you really enjoy Christmas when all you can do is worry about planning? Give yourself some time off to actually enjoy the snow and lights and celebration that is taking place. Plan a “distraction free hour” once every day so that you can relish the holiday season and everything that it stands for.

If you’re looking for other ways to make your Christmas less stressful, consider talking to a landscaping or designing professional to help you take care of the smaller tasks so that you can focus on the joy. And again: don’t wait until the last minute.

Eve Crabtree

Eve Crabtree is a journalist with a passion for interior design. She keeps up to date with the latest trends in the interior industry and regularly tests her hand at crafting and redecorating during her spare time.