Five-Minute Routine To Finally Beat Back Pain

If you thought muscle and joint pain was purely confined to old age, you’d be wrong.

An in-depth new study commissioned by Typharm – the brains behind the Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel, has actually found that nearly all working Brits (a shocking 98%!) have suffered from muscle and/or joint pain. What’s more, 78% of Brits who said they suffered from muscle pain, were in the 35 to 44-year-old age bracket.

This pain is felt in a number of places; 35% have felt muscle pain in their shoulders and 30% have felt it in their neck whist 46% of Brits say that they have felt joint pain in their knees, 24% in the hips and interestingly, 7% have experienced jaw pain. But, as you might expect, the leading pain-spot is the back. Over half of Brits (52%) claim to have had muscle pain in the lower back, 25% in the upper back and 41% have felt joint pain in their lower back.

Pharmacist Noel Wicks advisor to Amgesic comments: “Back pain is a widespread issue. In fact, according to research, lifetime back pain prevalence is as high as 84% in adults. Our spine is delicate; it must offer stability but also flexibility. When it hurts, it can really disrupt our life.”

In fact, a high 75% of those who have suffered from back pain say it impacts their day to day living. Over half (52%) of those questioned say it’s uncomfortable when sitting whilst 42% admit that they can’t walk as far as they would like. It’s also getting in the way of work for many, as 38% claim they are uncomfortable at work. Then there’s the 30% who can’t do their usual exercise routine and 17% say they are cancelling social plans because of their back pain.

But what’s causing these aches and niggles?

Noel Wicks says: “Judging by the new data, there are a number of reasons behind the nation’s pain. From fitness/sports-related pain (30%) to age related injuries (29%) and also medical conditions such as arthritis, which 26% of people blame for their pain. The nation’s sedentary lifestyles could also be a problem.”

In fact, a staggering three quarters of Brits said that they feel they should be moving more during the day with 53% of working Brits claiming that they have a sedentary lifestyle.

Noel Wicks explains: “Our bodies were made to move; not sit still. When we’re still for too long, our muscles and joints can stiffen, causing pain. A sedentary lifestyle is essentially made up of long periods of sedentary behaviours, with a deficiency of physical activity. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it’s not hard to have a sedentary lifestyle. Many of us spend all day sitting at a desk, slumped over a keyboard, and then we go home and sit on the sofa, barely moving.”

Back pain disrupting your day? Whatever the cause, give these stretches a try to help relieve the ache and show your spine some love.

The Five-Minute Stretch Routine To Beat Back Pain

Explaining the exercises below, Noel Wick says that these are designed to loosen the spine and help it to remain mobile. “Repeat these exercises daily for the best results and aim to hold each stretch for the allotted time.” You’ll need some floor space and a mat for these stretches.

#1. Figure 4 Stretch: As well as helping the lower back and hips, this stretch also activates the glutes. Strong, active glutes help to overcome back pain.

For this, lie on your back on the ground with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your left leg and cross your left ankle over your right thigh. Then, place your hands behind your right thigh and gently pull your legs towards you. Hold this for 30 seconds before swapping sides.

#2. Cobra Stretch: Lie on the ground on your tummy. You might want to place a pillow under your forehead for support. Place your hands on either side of your head too, also for support. Inhale, then as you exhale, lift your head and chest from the ground but keep your hips down on the ground to feel the stretch in your spine. Hold for five seconds, then repeat five times.

#3. Classic: To ease pain in the lower back and open up the hips, try this classic yoga pose. Start on your hands and knees before walking your hands out in front of you and gently lowering your hips back and down towards your heels. As you do this, lower your head and chest down and keep reaching your arms forward, all the while ensuring your glutes stay down on your heels. Hold this for up to a minute.

#4. Knee to Chest: Lie back on the ground with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Place your hands behind your knees before gently bringing one knee to your chest and keeping the other one where it is, or straighten it out on the ground. Hold this knee to your chest for 30 seconds, before placing your foot back on the ground and swapping sides. Then, bring both knees to your chest and if it feels comfortable, gently rock from side to side. Do this for 20 seconds.

#5. Upper Back Extension: Instead of working on the ground, this time, you’ll be on a chair, facing forward. Ideally the back of the chair will come to the middle of your back. Sit on the chair and let your upper body fall over the back of the chair; as you do so, lift your arms up overhead. You should feel a lovely stretch in your back. Hold this for 10 seconds, relax, then repeat four more times.

The at-home topical anti-inflammatory solution

Along with daily stretching, Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel has been formulated to relieve pain and inflammation, providing effective relief from muscle pain, strains, sports injuries, and bruises. It’s also ideal for both upper and lower back pain.

Noel Wicks reveals: “This gel contains the active substance diclofenac sodium,  a well-researched medicine which has been proven to be one of the most effective treatments for dealing with acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.”

Simply apply 2 to 4 grams of the gel to the local site of the muscle or joint pain 3 to 4 times daily.

Noel Wicks adds: “There is no reason to put up with the discomfort caused by aching muscles and joints. Back pain and other pain can be dealt with. Rather than build up reliance on strong painkillers, which can increase the risk of side-effects and dependency, we need to provide people with a range of options for pain relief which can include topical over-the-counter anti-inflammatory products, such as Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel.”

Amgesic Pain Relief 1% Gel competitively retails at £4.99 for a 50g pack and £8.50 for 100g pack.

Charlotte Giver

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.