How Parents Can Help Their Kids Build Networks in Their Field

Building networks is an important part of children’s growth and development journey. The right network helps them prepare for the future and builds their interpersonal skills. But how will you make sure that your kids mix with the right crowd? According to statistics, children who lacked socializing skills during their kindergarten years were more likely to face negative outcomes by the time they turned 25. So, if you need some tips and tricks on how your kids can build networks in their field, then this think piece is for you!
1. Encourage Them To Follow Their Passion
This is one of the most important tips to help your child grow up to be a bright person. If you encourage them to follow what they love doing most, they’ll automatically be interested in socializing with people who follow similar interests.
Moreover, it makes your children more curious and builds different skills. For example, if your kid loves drawing, ask them to participate in group drawing sessions where they can meet other kids and learn different art styles from them.
This will also help them to establish meaningful connections outside their classroom bubble.
2. Talk To A Mentor
Involving your children with one of the best online schools in Los Angeles will also teach them how to network. Get in touch with the right platform where your child will be connected with renowned, world-class mentors. They will understand your child’s interests and offer sound guidance on how to build a network in their field. A mentor will also help your child smoothly excel in existing networking skills and build new ones!
If your child has yet to identify their field of interest or is looking for institutions around their interests, they’ll also suggest special programs designed according to your child’s liking.
3. Show Your Child How To Ask For Help
Every parent will teach their children the importance of being independent, but many times, we often forget to teach them that it’s equally important to know when to ask for help. When children understand from a young age that they can always ask around for guidance, it fosters genuine connections and lifelong friendships.
You can also show them how they can offer help to people in different situations. For example, you can ask them to babysit the neighbor’s child if your kid is old enough or go out grocery shopping when you’re busy.
4. Convey That Age Does Not Limit Networking
When we think of networking, we almost always imagine middle-aged corporate professionals. However, children need to understand the importance of widening their social circle, which is why you should show them that age is never a factor when it comes to making friends. For example, if they wish to talk to someone much younger or older, encourage them to do so. You can also be their role model by telling them about your friends and connections with whom you might have a significant age gap. This quality will also help them to talk to people of different age groups in their field.
5. Help Them Use The Internet Wisely
The best virtual schools are the perfect places to find other kids who can socialize with your child. On these platforms, they can connect with renowned mentors of their own interests and take online classes or workshop sessions. They will meet other kids who are interested in similar areas. Your child can then connect with them through the platform. The mentors may also pair kids for certain assignments, which will help them grow closer to their peers and build a network.
6. Discuss Their School As A Family
True, family at home is everything, but school also becomes their second family. As a parent, you can teach them how having good friends in school is crucial to building good networks. Before and after every school-related community event, ask them which aspects they love about school and which ones they feel should be improved. This will encourage your child to speak to you about their daily life while showing them that you’re supportive. You might not be able to solve all of their problems, but speaking positively about school will help your kid network better.
Above all, teach your children that the best way to network is to be kind and empathetic. When they’re genuine in their efforts, they’ll automatically make more true friends!