What’s Rosie’s Secret to Getting a Perfectly Toned Stomach?
What’s Rosie’s secret to getting a perfectly toned stomach?
Finally! Actress and shockingly beautiful model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has revealed her three key steps to maintaining her flat stomach: “I have to really work on my stomach. I’ve found Pilates great because it’s slow and controlled and you really have to think about the muscles you’re working. I drink a lot of water too. I always find that when I’ve not been drinking enough, I get more bloated. It sounds counter-productive but drinking more water will actually get rid of the water retention. Probiotics are great for keeping things moving as well, I throw them in a smoothie or take them in pill form”.
We asked our experts to explain how these three simple steps can also help you achieve Rosie’s amazing abs:
Lynne Robinson, Pilates guru and founder of Body Control Pilates Studio explains, “The reason Pilates is so good at trimming inches off your waist is because one of the key fundamentals of Pilates, alongside alignment and breathing, is centring, which involves learning how to control all of your movements from your centre. In Pilates you learn how to use your deep core muscles to support your spine. These muscles wrap around your waist like a natural built in corset, hence these muscles being called your ‘ girdle of strength!’ Every exercise you do in a Pilates session teaches you how to work from your centre, no wonder we are famous for reducing waistlines!” To find a teacher near you, visit www.bodycontrolpilates.com.
Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading Nutritionist, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar (www.marilynglenville.com) says, “Your body is made up of approximately 70% water, which is involved in every bodily process, including digestion, circulation and excretion. This water helps transport nutrients and waste products in and out of the cells. We can survive without food for about five weeks, but we can’t live without water for longer than five days.
“Most of us do not drink enough fluids and, ironically women who suffer from water retention tend to restrict their liquid intake thinking that the less they drink, the less their bodies will retain. Actually, the opposite is true. If you restrict fluids, your body will try to compensate and retain liquid, just in case it is in short supply. Therefore you should ideally aim to drink around six glasses of water a day.”
Cassandra Barns, Nutritionist says, “The friendly bacteria in our gut help food to be digested and absorbed. Some types produce a substance called lactic acid, which is thought to support the natural release of digestive juices and enzymes in the gut. Friendly bacteria can also help to digest lactose – the natural sugars in milk and other dairy foods. But if they’re not around to do their job, lactose or other carbohydrates can remain undigested, and this can lead to more fermentation and bloating.
“For all of these reasons, having a good population of beneficial flora in our gut can help prevent bloating, which is why probiotic supplements, which provide some of these beneficial bacteria, can also help us keep a flat tummy.
“Try Nature’s Plus GI Natural, which combines probiotics with enzymes, prebiotics (fibres that feed the beneficial bacteria) and other nutrients that support healthy digestion.”