Summer Workout: Make Yourself Fit With a Water Punching Bag
You would think that because summer is the time to sport new pretty swimwear and let down your inhibitions with cut off denims and tank tops that it would be easy to lose weight and have enough willpower and motivation to watch what we eat and better yet maintain our waistline.
WRONG. Over the summer schedules are off, barbecues with friends and family pop up frequently, travel is high and you really want to relax these months, right? Not to mention barbecue season where pasta salads full of mayonnaise add up; and beer, margaritas and wine are flowing.
With that being said, a change in routine can make wonders for you and your fitness goals. It may sound crazy but purchasing a water punching bag is indeed a way to fitness during the summer months. However, just because it is a punching bag does not mean that your routine has to be exactly what it was with your standard one punching bag if you already have one, because there are most definitely certain differences in the two inventions.
So how is it different?
It comes as a surprise how this water filled balloon is actually more resistant than your standard punching bags, and the resistance it offers helps you in training to your potential. Users have stated that the way it absorbs the shock from each punch is such that the motion inside the bag does not allow it to move about too much, so the next time you want to do strength training you will not have to get someone behind the bag holding it in the opposite direction.
Users have also shown a lot of satisfaction with the absorption of the power showed by the bag, and the best part is the recoil that does not seem to be that hurting or impactful, which means that you can last so much longer in the training. Finally, the exterior of the bag is like you are in contact with a human body, not a bag, so this feeling helps you train with much more control on strength, which is particularly helpful if you are training to compete in a boxing match.
How to train?
This indestructible bag is as sturdy as anything once it is ready to face you, so train as strongly as you want to. The shapes of these bags are slightly different relative to the standard ones so you might have to spend some time in getting used to it but once you do you can carry on your fitness routine as well as you want.
The shock absorbance, as stated above, is quite phenomenal, so you do not have to worry about being too rough: give it all you got. The speed at which you become fitter obviously depends on a lot of other factors, and this might not add to that, but your time with the bag will be much more sophisticated and this new feeling will keep you motivated.
Like every other product out there, there are certain drawbacks that can ruin your experience with your water punching bag. For starters, if you live in a country with a very cold climate, you might as well not invest in this because the water will tend to freeze and then things get complicated. In addition, this bag, when filled with water, is actually a three-man job to move (it is heavier than standard bags!).
But overall, your goal of looking and feeling fitter over the crammed Summer months will become much more adventurous and updated!