Growing Out Curly Hair: How to Look Good While Doing it

Growing Out Curly Hair: How to Look Good While Doing it

December 12, 2019

There is no arguing the fact that the pixie cut is amazing. But there will come a time when you want to get your long curls back, and when that happens, you’ll be facing a problem. The problem is that “awkward grow-out phase” which can be more horrifying than awkward in some cases. Going through it is a challenge, but you can do it with the right help.

Here’s how you can grow out your curly hair and look amazing every step of the way:


The first thing you need to stock up on when growing out your curls is hair accessories. Thick headbands, cute head scarves, bows, and sparkling bobby pins should be at the top of your list. They will help keep the curls out of your eyes as well as pin any that stick out during their growth phase.

When you need to wear a hat, be sure to use one that has a satin lining. The same goes for headscarves. Your main goal is always to reduce the friction for the curls, and satin is the best material for this. If possible, you should also invest in satin pillowcases. While this won’t help you style your hair, this will make the growing curls healthier and therefore easier to deal with.

Style, style, and style some more

Accessories are good, but you will also need to invest in a veritable arsenal of hair styling products to keep your growing mane in shape. At the least, you should have a styling gel, hairspray, and some type of restructuring product.

You’ll need to first two in order to fix your growing curls into some reasonable style. However, the restructuring product is needed to revitalize them and fight the frizz that can be extremely annoying at this stage.

Braid as soon as you are able

Read up on various braiding techniques because this is the best style for growing out curly hair. There are types of braids that you can do even when your hair isn’t very long, so this is a great solution for this particular annoying phase in your hairstyle.

Note that you can use the aforementioned restructuring styling products, quality mousse like this one from this best mousse for braids list, before braiding to ensure that the braids stay in place and not frizz out all over the place.

This hairstyle is also great for wet weather because it helps keep curly hair more-or-less manageable during this time. Short curls will get extremely messy on rainy days and depending on the structure of your hair, they might be completely impossible to manage, even when using styling products.

Never miss a trim

It’s vitally important to trim curly hair regularly when it’s growing out. This might seem counterproductive because you will be cutting a portion of your hair. However, this will allow you to give the curls some kind of reasonable shape.

Don’t forget that regular trims also help keep your hair healthier. If you are growing out your hair because it’s been damaged by over-processing, trims will remove split ends, which make your hair look like a mop instead of the sweet and bouncy curls.

Never try to do this kind of trim yourself. In fact, you should make sure that the stylist you visit has experience in dealing with the kind of curly hair you have. A bad haircut at this stage might do a lot of damage to your plans because it won’t allow your hair to grow out as it should. Therefore, you might have to cut it again and start over.

Growing out curly hair won’t be easy and there will be times when you’ll seem ridiculous to yourself. On these days, you should use extra care when styling short curls and add some bobby pins for good measure. Remind yourself to be patient while doing it because this awkward phase would pass. And when it does, you will look stunning with your curls.

You should also look up various tips for curly hair care because this type of hair requires a special approach. The issue is that curly hair is extremely versatile in texture so, something that works for someone else might not work for you. That’s why you should be constantly searching for new recipes and tips to try. Eventually, you will be able to develop a personal haircare routine that will make your curls perfect.

London based journalist Meighan Sembrano is an expert in beauty and skin related concerns and topics. She has contributed a vast range of research papers and features in the Health and Fitness field.