TikTok Trending: Aesthetician Weighs in on Kylie Jenner Facelift Video

A viral TikTok  gaining 1.7 million views has commented on Kylie Jenner having a facelift as a consequence of too much filler, @georgiejxmes explains that Kylie has had filler dissolved and looks as though she had a lift. Leading Aesthetician at Dr Elif Clinic, Dr Elif Benar weighs in…

  1. What are some of the consequences of having too much filler injected into your face?

“Over-injecting dermal fillers can lead to several issues. One of the most immediate consequences is an unnatural or “overfilled” appearance, sometimes referred to as “pillow face.” This occurs when the natural contours of the face are distorted, leading to a puffy or bloated look.

Excessive filler can also cause tissue stretching, which may result in skin laxity or sagging when the filler eventually dissolves. In some cases, fillers can migrate, causing lumps or asymmetry. Additionally, excessive filler use can impair blood circulation in certain facial areas, increasing the risk of complications like tissue necrosis.

Long-term overuse can disrupt the skin’s natural structure and collagen production, making it more challenging to maintain a natural appearance as one ages.”

  1. Are there consequences to having all your filler dissolved at once, or should you do this gradually?

“While dissolving fillers is generally safe when performed by a qualified professional using an enzyme called hyaluronidase, there are potential side effects. Dissolving all the filler at once can lead to sudden changes in facial volume, resulting in loose or sagging skin, particularly if the skin has been stretched from overfilling.

Gradually dissolving the filler allows the skin to adjust more naturally, minimizing the risk of unwanted changes in facial contour. It also provides an opportunity to address specific areas of concern and avoid an abrupt change in appearance. Additionally, dissolving fillers too frequently or in excessive amounts can lead to inflammation and an increased risk of allergic reactions.”

  1. Are there any consequences to having a facelift as young as 27?

“Undergoing a facelift at such a young age is generally not recommended unless there is a specific medical or anatomical reason. Facelifts are typically designed to address significant signs of aging, such as sagging skin, which are uncommon in someone in their 20s.

Early facelifts can lead to scarring, potential nerve damage, and long-term changes in skin elasticity. Additionally, having a surgical lift too early may result in the need for additional procedures in the future as natural aging continues, possibly leading to an unnatural appearance.

Younger patients should consider non-surgical treatments such as fillers, lasers, or radiofrequency-based therapies to address minor concerns and maintain a youthful look.”

  1. What is your advice to young people who are looking to have filler injected but want to avoid looking overfilled?

“My advice to young people is to start with a conservative approach. Less is often more when it comes to fillers, and the goal should be to enhance natural features, not change them. It’s crucial to choose a skilled and experienced injector who understands facial anatomy and can provide subtle, natural-looking results.

Prioritize treatments that focus on enhancing specific areas rather than attempting to fill the entire face. Ask for a gradual treatment plan, with small amounts injected over time to assess the results and make adjustments as needed.

It’s important to understand that fillers are not an anti-aging treatment. Many people mistakenly believe that fillers prevent aging, but their primary purpose is reshaping and volumizing, not reversing the natural aging process. For young individuals, the focus should be on preventing skin damage. This includes daily use of sunscreen, antioxidants, antiaging treatments such as lasers, booster injections and a healthy skincare routine to maintain youthful, healthy skin.”

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.