Long Luscious Lashes are What’s in for Fall
The thicker, the heavier, the blacker, the longer, the better! That’s what Chicago-based makeup artist, Elise Brill says about the trend right now in eyelashes.
Brill, who has been in the business for 23 years, and who has been producing her own line of cosmetics for 15 years says there are a few ways to get that “heavy lash look.”
Lash extenders:
“These products are so easy to use and they work really well,” says Brill, “They come in black or white, and they have little fibers in them that thicken the lash. If you use the black, you will look like you have fake lashes on.”
How to use: Put on one coat of your mascara to wet the lashes. Next, dab the fibers with the extender wand onto your lashes and then use another coat of your mascara. You may use several layers, depending on how thick you want your lashes to look. Suggested product: Lash Extender by Divaderme, www.divaderme.com or www.leesib.com.
Lash growing products:
If you want to grow the thickness and fullness of your eyelashes, try a lash growing product.
“I have tested all the lash growers and the best one is Grande Lash,” says Brill, “In 3-4 weeks, you will notice a difference. You won’t believe it!”
Brill says beware of side effects, such as dark circles under the eyes, but she hasn’t seen this with Grande Lash.
How to use: Brush it on the lash line once a day. It dries in 30 seconds. You can use it under your mascara if you choose. To get Grande Lash: www.grandelashmd.com
The mascara brand makes a difference:
Brill recommends a high quality mascara that curls, lengthens and thickens all at once, and says to make sure the color is a true black. She says the key to great lashes is in the application.
“Start at the top part of your lashes and brush from the inside to the ends. Next, do underneath the lashes. Take your brush and hold it upright and poke your lashes individually up and down to separate each lash.
Brill’s favorite mascara: Nouba Cil Prodige: www.leesib.com
False eyelashes:
A favorite of the Kardashians, false eyelashes will transform any girl into a diva!
“It’s the one thing that makes a woman feel like a rock star in five minutes,” says Brill, “The most important thing is how they are applied and who is applying them.”
Brill recommends going to a professional for false eyelashes, and removing them the same evening to avoid damage to your lashes. She says if you decide to apply the lashes yourself, lay the false lashes on your lashes without the glue first, so you can place them correctly. Also, don’t use too much glue. A little goes a long way.
Brill’s overall tip for that dark, heavy lash look: “You want to connect an eyeliner to the fake lashes or heavy mascara. When you apply a black liner right on top of the lashes, you’re creating the illusion of a thicker lash line and thicker lashes.”