Intimacy or a 4 Inch Screen, Which One Would You Choose?

October 9, 2012

It’s no secret that social media slowly is taking over our personal life. The latest smartphone and gadget- mania has invaded our coffee breaks, lunches, dinners our wardrobes… and now our bedrooms?  

Recent studies show people would rather give up sex than their phone. Which one would you choose, intimacy or a 4 inch screen?

Intimacy or a 4 inch screen

According to a recent study carried out by Gazelle (a company that buys pre-used iPhones) 85% of the respondents said that they would not be able to live without their smartphone. And a shocking 15% would rather give up sex than their phone!

The study is not the first one to reveal similar decision patterns when it comes to choosing between our intimate life and the latest trends in technology.

Back in 2008, a Harris Interactive Survey showed that 48% of the women participating in the survey were willing to skip the sheets instead of losing their internet connection, while 30% of the men said that they probably would do likewise

More and more people tend to sleep with their phones next to them and check Twitter updates in the middle of the night.

Living in a world where more and more people tend to sleep with their phones next to them in order to check work emails and twitter updates in the middle of the night, being unplugged from our online lives is probably one of our biggest fears!

That’s why we are here to let you know that a good balance between real and online life should stand at the core of every smart career-oriented woman.

We totally understand that you need to check your smartphone in order to stay on top of industry news and happenings, but please choose wisely when it comes to love versus your 4 inch screen.

Eniko is a tech Marketer and PR girl from Transylvania. Fashionista at heart, she worked with an advertising agency and an alternative theatre and is currently strategizing at a mobile tech start-up. Drinks her espresso first thing in the morning, while tweeting as @EnikoLaszlo.