4 Ways To Get What You Want In The Workplace
4 ways to get what you want in the workplace
Being a woman in the workplace has its challenges. Depending on your circumstance, you may find it difficult to get your voice heard. Sometimes, we feel more scrutiny and questioning compared to our male counterparts. While women have made great strides over the course of history, it’s good to remember that it’s ok to go after the things you want. It’s up to us to make changes, and those changes don’t just happen on their own. Here are four tried ways for you to effectively step up and get what you want in the work place.
1. Give concise and clear options.
People are much more decisive when they are given choices. We are test takers by nature. Think about this: if a fruit bowl has an apple, a banana and an orange, are you more likely to pick one of the three? Or would you spend extra time and energy seeking out an alternative? Chances are you will make a choice based on what is in front of you. The same is true in presenting ideas in a work setting. Offer a few clear and concise ideas rather than a mix of vague concepts. That way, you are more likely to have at least one the options you want selected.
2. Voice what you want, not what you don’t want.
As women, our detailed explanations are often confused for indecisiveness. By focusing on things that you don’t want, you risk being viewed as unwilling. In turn, your opinions may unintentionally be interpreted as complaints. Admittedly, it’s an unfair battle. Instead of saying, “I don’t want to work on this,” or “I’d rather not be on this assignment,” try saying, “I’d much rather work on an account such as [example].” By stating what you do want, you’ll be a prime candidate and first in line for what you’re ultimately going after.
3. Assertion is not aggression.
It’s a shame when a woman fears she is doing something “wrong” by speaking out or disagreeing. Assertiveness shouldn’t be classified as bossy (just ask Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.) By definition, assertive simply means you are confident in your voice. It doesn’t mean you are always disagreeing, it means you are stating your stance. Assertion should not only be encouraged, but it is also needed. Don’t be afraid to be bold.
4. Hold others accountable.
Just as you meet expectations of others, remember when they promise to return a favor. There’s no shame in reminding people that they offered to help you. With ample notice, you can give someone on your team a head’s up on how they can be helpful to you. It presents you not only as a team player, but also a leader. After all, it’s much harder for someone to let you down when they know you haven’t forgotten their word.
What are some ways you make your voice heard in the work place? Let us know in the comments below.