College graduates: Here’s how to get a job you’ll like
You have your degree. Now get a job! Kerry Schofield, psychologist and chief psychometrics officer at Good.Co, a professional assessment and self-improvement platform geared at helping millennials find the best workplace cultural fit. (That means, they’ll help you find a job you won’t hate. That rules.)
Here’s how to get a job you won’t hate and that won’t have you swimming in student loan debt until you retire:
Do a bit of self-discovery. Ask yourself: Does your field of choice really fit your interests and personality? If need be, take some personality and career aptitude tests. These days, you don’t need to invest in a pricey career counselor – there are plenty of excellent, free tests online (like Good.Co!) that can provide you with insight into your natural strengths.
Research companies that intrigue you. In addition to researching a company’s clients, services, revenue, and so on, you’ll also want to explore the company’s culture. Make a check-list of what’s important to you in a job (benefits, life/work balance, room for growth, fun atmosphere, etc.) Look through the company’s current employees on LinkedIn and think about how you’ll fit in. You may find that the company of your dreams is actually a terrible fit for your personality, goals and lifestyle!
Ask for help! Pride is great and all, but it can also hinder a job search if you’re too proud to beg for work or networking opportunities. People won’t know you want help unless you ask for it! Find local industry networking groups. If you’re planning on moving to a new city post-college, start doing your research and outreach now. Above all, do not be scared to (politely) reach out to people in your field of interest and ask for advice! Sure, you may receive a few rejections, but more than likely, you’ll end up making some solid connections and acquiring some great advice. After all, it’s all about who you know, right?
Volunteer work is still work–and can still go on your resume. Improve your karma and your likelihood to get hired at the same time! LinkedIn’s own research has shown that most employers view volunteer work as important as paid work – in fact, 20% have made hiring decisions based on a candidate’s volunteer work! Additionally, research from Deloitte shows that 81% of employers not only consider volunteering experience when evaluating candidates, but also feel that skilled volunteer experience makes a college graduate more desirable. As an added benefit, volunteer work is a great way to meet new people–which is great for networking to find a paid gig!
Take up a hobby or two in order to make yourself more attractive to potential employers. Many employers are now using a candidate’s hobbies and interests as a key indicator of cultural and personality fit. In fact, many employers indicated that these hobbies and interests were as important, if not more important, than qualifications and experience when selecting the applicant for the role. Options include team sports, strategic mind games and creative writing.
By: Jessica Sager