Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Self-Made Billionaire?

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Self-Made Billionaire?

April 20, 2015

Do you have what it takes to be a self-made billionaire?

Self-made billionaire

You’re driven, creative and daring with a solid action plan – but is that enough to be a self-made billionaire? The Brighton School of Business and Management – supplier of online distance courses – compiled a handful of studies in an infographic that examines common personality traits and work ethics shared by some of the world’s most successful people.

Here is a checklist based on the infographic of top 10 personality traits of a self-made billionaire.

Think Big

There are no limits to their imaginations. Uber successful people approach problems with enthusiasm and enjoy the endless possibilities in solving issues and creating things others don’t know they need.

Donald Trump once said, “I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.”

Take (Educated) Risks

Look before you leap, but do leap. Don’t let fear hold you back from jumping head first (mindful of the benefits) into something you truly believe in, especially if the right numbers are all pointing in that direction. Go for it.

Bill Gates offers this piece of advice: “To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks.”

Get Competitive

Yes, you should enjoy sizing yourself up against others and have a want to be better. But, more importantly, you should have the urge to constantly improve yourself. Don’t worry so much about beating others out; instead use that to motivate you. Compete against yourself, and that’s when you’ll grow.

“And, obviously from our own personal point of view, the principal challenge is a personal challenge,” said Richard Branson.

Focus, Focus, Focus

Narrow your goals. Be sure you’re doing that one thing you love well before stretching yourself too thin in order to do many things good enough.

Andrew Carnegie said, “The wise man puts all his eggs in one basket.”

Let Passion Take the Wheel

There are many tough days and lows as a leader. But, the heart that they have for the end goal is what keeps them going when temptation to throw in the towel creeps up.

Aliko Gangote said, “Passion is what drives me forward. Passion is what makes me go to bed at 2 a.m. and wake up at 6 a.m.”

Get Goals

Self-made billionaires don’t just set goals; they get them. They create plans with a tactical, realistic set of steps. To these especially motivated people, failing to reach the end result they desire, though what it looks like may change, is not an option.

“I think I am very goal oriented. I’d like to win the America’s cup. I’d like Oracle to be the No 1 software company in the world. I still think it is possible to beat Microsoft,” said Larry Ellison.

Ask for Criticism

Being critiqued, listening to ways you can strengthen your weaknesses and subsequently making changes to your trajectory is the only way a business can survive. It’s also the only way you can turn a mistake into a brand new opportunity. Self-made billionaires welcome criticism. In fact, it inspires them.

“Dare to risk public criticism,” said Mary Kay Ash.

Learn from Mistakes

Supporting the above point is this one: identifying your mistakes is only the beginning. You must learn from the mistake in order to redirect your aim in the right direction.

Steve Jobs once said, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It’s the best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.”

Be Your Biggest Advocate

No one else is going to make your dreams happen for you. No one is going to be your alarm clock and cheer for you as you work on self-implemented deadlines late at night. The only person you can rely to make your big idea a reality is you.

“You are nuts and you should be proud of it. Stick with what you believe in,” said Trip Hawkins.


Money is a symptom of these billionaires’ successes. Their commitment is to their calling – their mission. Committing to a purpose is crucial if you’re looking to build wealth without burnout.

“I’m not afraid of turning 80 and I have lots of things to do. I don’t have time for dying.” – Ingvar Kamprad

Do you have what it takes to be a self-made billionaire? Tell us below!

Megan Broussard is a storyteller from New York City. She credits her talent for balancing big hand gestures and a glass of red on her Cajun roots. When she isn’t covering women in career/business, fashion, lifestyle and culture, she’s playing with her pup – the inspiration for her doggy daycare business.