The 5 most valuable part-time jobs for students
The above statement suggests the importance of part-time jobs for students who are studying either in colleges or universities and want to advance in their careers or earn a bit of extra cash. Being a student in your academic life most of the time you are supposed to manage all your expenses on your own. And it’s crucial to understand this aspect that cost of education is increasing with the passage of time and as a result, you have to make certain decisions in order to support your education in a more efficient manner. For that reason, it is better to comprehend and make the most of these part-time jobs:
1. Non-Profit Charity Fundraiser
As far as the significance of this part-time job is concerned, working for a non-profit organisation can be easily performed primarily because of its nature. Finding a charity you are passionate about, you are able to contribute to the betterment of your society and at the same time, you are allowed to earn something that is helpful in supporting all your educational expenses. Working for a charity organisation, students can easily manage their academic tasks in an efficient manner as this job provides the flexibility to prioritise your studies and use your spare time to do good while feeling good!
2. Social Media Assistant
One of the best things about working as a social media assistant during your college years is that students can easily perform this job from the comfort of their dorm or any place quite easily. This is because of the reason; your job is to manage different social media channels or pages that are related to various organisations. In this way, students could learn about brand management and so many things that are associated with the notions of social media marketing in reality. At the same time, students are also allowed to improve their awareness or knowledge regarding content marketing and its importance to a considerable level.
With the passage of time, the significance of this part-time job has been improved because of modern technologies is also known as an era of social media. Therefore, there are different students who belong to various colleges have become a part of this industry and in return, they are earning a handsome amount of money!
3. Grader
There is no point of denying that the job of the grader currently is getting so much acceptance and fame because of the prevailing scenario of online education. Graders are required in order to support the teachers with the help of checking various assignments and academic tasks online. This is the way by which different grad students can easily perform the activity of grading because these days educators are facing difficulties in managing their workload.
Working as a grader, students are able to earn a decent amount of cash through which they can bear their various expenses and they can also concentrate on their studies without allocating too much time. It’s easy to see why this job will become a major source of inspiration and employment for most of the college and university students in the future.
4. Office Assistant
This aspect has been observed that there are many students who usually work for their colleges and universities in order to support their education. With the help of an office assistant job, you are allowed to work on part-time basis in your college or university. As a result, you are able to manage your studies and at the same time, handsome perks or salaries could be offered to you as compensation. Practically, the job of an office assistant includes responsibilities such as answering incoming calls, managing filing and database system both manually and electronically. Easy peasy!
Taking on the role of an office assistant is one of the most productive ways by which students could learn the organising skills to a certain level that will play a critical role in the success of their professional careers in coming years.
5. Freelance Writer
This is also perceived as an era of online and interactive communication and as a result, there are different organisations and online platforms which offer the task of writing on a regular basis. Here, students are allowed to write on different kinds of social issues in which they can express their creativity in the best possible manner. In addition, different companies and organisations need to update their websites and social media pages with the help of quality content. In reality, this task is performed through the assistance of writing in which students are needed to maintain various blogs, earning a lot of responsibility when it comes to brand management.
There is the likelihood that students can develop their professional careers if they have the desired flair of writing along with the decent amount of creativity. Therefore, working as a freelance writer whilst managing your studies could easily develop the careers of many students professionally in the future.
By: Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton is herself a university student who has been working in the domain of freelance writing for over two years. Currently, she is managing her own blog Write My Assignment UK where she likes to interact with different young college and university students.