Does Your CV Stand Out From the Crowd?
Competition for jobs out there is tough so you really do have to make sure you stand out from the crowd at the very outset. Waiting to share all your best bits at an interview is pointless.
Among the advice is selling yourself well in the personal statement and proving you can do the job with real examples from previous roles.
1. Get the basics right
Keep your CV clear, concise and no more than two pages long. Read through thoroughly making sure you check for spelling and grammatical errors.
2. Easy to read
Think about the font and layout you use. It needs to be easy to look at and read without lengthy paragraphs to wade through.
3. Personal statement
This is the first thing a potential employer will see so sell yourself well. Cover who you are and what you can bring to the organisation and role. Refer back to the job description so you hit the skills they’re looking for. Use examples to back up any claims you make but remember, keep it to the point.
4. Customise your CV for the job you want
Look at each role you’re applying for and customise your CV to suit them. Pull out the qualities and attributes they’re looking for and highlight experience you’ve had in similar roles or companies.
5. Job experience
Emphasis the work experience you’ve had. This is what any recruiter or interviewer will be interested in. If you’re fresh out of University and have yet to gain any relevant paid work, make sure to mention placements and student jobs.
6. Prove you can do the job
Rather than just saying you worked for a company and listing your roles, think about how you can demonstrate how effective you were. Did you help increase sales? If so, by how much.
7. Your USP
Identify what makes you different from other people going for the same role. Do you write a blog linked to your area of expertise? Do you have a portfolio full of great work you can share? Detail like this will stand out to anyone browsing your CV.
8. Add some personal information
It may feel a little pointless adding your interests outside of work, but these can be a good talking point.
9. Remember to update
If you haven’t applied for a job for a while, remember to update your CV. Sending information which is out of date and without details of your most recent role is pointless. If you’re adding LinkedIn details, make sure that’s up to date too.
10. Contact info
Keep your contact information high up and easy for the potential employer to find. Add an email address and phone number.