5 Ways to Get Out of a Career Rut
Did you know that we spend on average 10,000 days at work, adding up to over a 1/3rd of your life? If we’re going to spend that much time doing something, we ought to enjoy it, right?
While the cynic in us may scoff, it’s vital that we do everything we can to make all facets of our lives ‑ including work ‑ feel enjoyable and worthwhile!
The International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring is the leading accreditation authority for professional coaches. With that in mind, their Sales & Marketing Director, Dawn Ann Campbell, is sharing her five ways to get yourself out of a career rut:
1. Make a choice ‑ nobody likes to feel stuck. If you don’t like what you’re doing, find something you do like, even if you need to retrain or go back to college! You are worth more than you think, so don’t simply put up and shut up ‑ find a coach who will support you to find your true purpose and help you put steps in place to live the life you want to live.
2. Change your perceptions ‑ sometimes, as portrayed in ‘Who Moved My Cheese: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life,’ by Dr. Spencer Johnson, you just need to change your perception about your situation to create an immediate and powerful shift in your attitude.
3. Remind yourself nothing is permanent ‑ as the Buddhist say: “nothing is permanent… you have to know unhappiness to appreciate happiness.” If you aren’t happy, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from changing your life.
4. Shake‑up your routine ‑ whether it’s your clothes, your route to work, or your go‑to mode of transport. Mix it up by dressing for your next promotion, occasionally walk to work, car share to meet new people and eat different foods at new different places to feel an immediate difference.
5. Communicate your feelings to HR ‑ if you like your company/industry, but just not the job, speak to the HR department. Tell them what you want and what you’re capable of, so they can work to alter your position at work. People aren’t mind readers ‑ you’ve got to communicate your needs to them if you want help!