How Finding Your ‘Why’ Will Help Your Brand Thrive in 2022

How Finding Your ‘Why’ Will Help Your Brand Thrive in 2022

April 13, 2022

We all start our careers with optimism, energy and genuine excitement for the future. However, it gets harder and harder for many of us to hold on to that initial feeling of enthusiasm, and over time the passion fizzles out. Establishing a clear sense of purpose is the key to becoming a successful business. Jenine Butroid, CEO and founder of Supporting Minds, believes that aligning your beliefs and purpose – also known as your ‘Why’ – with your business means that you will not only have an overwhelming drive to reach your goals, but you will also have the resilience and motivation to help your brand grow in 2022.

Your ‘Why’ is your core beliefs and purpose that drives you each day. And when your ‘Why’ aligns with your business, it becomes one of the most essential qualities a business owner can have. In fact, among all the traits and abilities that lead to a brand’s success, having a ‘Why’ to work stands alone. Unlike skill, knowledge, or other factors, your ‘Why’ is innate and cannot be faked or learned.

Here are five benefits of finding your ‘Why’:

1. It enables you to be resilient

Succeeding in any business requires resilience. As a business owner, you will encounter inevitable challenges. However, owners that understand why they do what they do have the ability to overcome these difficulties and push forward. Because people who understand their ‘Why’ are passionate about their work and have a clear set of goals, they can use it as fuel to keep them motivated. People who do not have a passion for what they do often give up, or worse, just stand still.

2. It helps you to grow

Business owners often must leave their comfort zones, roll up their sleeves and take on new challenges; however, if you understand your ‘Why’ you are far more likely to do the things it takes to achieve. Passion will drive the best entrepreneurs past any discomfort or resistance in learning new things. Their commitment to success allows them to venture out of their comfort zone and get the job done. Understanding your reason for doing something can help you succeed at things you would not normally excel at and embrace the unknown.

3. It helps inspires others

When you start a new business, having good leadership is very important to help inspire and motivate your staff. You will set the tone for your employees, partners, and customers. Having a passion because of your ‘Why’ is contagious. It inspires employees and motivates them to be the best they can be. Your ‘Why’ will encourage your staff to believe in you and connect deeply with your vision. Owners who understand their ‘Why’ will attract the best people because they will have an infectious passion that resonates with positive energy. Everyone wants to be around and work with someone who is passionate about what they are doing.

4. It acts as a motivator

Building a successful business is hard work. It requires sustained effort so you will have to put in extra time and make sacrifices to become profitable. Your ‘Why’ will help you keep your eyes on the prize while you are working hard to build your business.

5. It gives you the courage to succeed

Understanding your ‘Why’ gives you the courage to believe in yourself and your dreams. Being a successful business owner often demands having to make brave decisions, so having a ‘Why’ gives you the courage to set big goals and make bold moves to achieve them.

How to find your ‘Why’

For some, finding your ‘Why’ will take a lot of thoughtful self-reflection, attention and action to find the topics, tasks and industries that make you feel excited. For others, understanding your ‘Why’ will be relatively simple. Of course, the ideas and motivations vary significantly from person to person. However, to find your ‘Why’, identify the things that make you happy. You have probably heard people say, “Time flies when you are having fun!” These are the exact situations where you are fulfilling your purpose, and when you are living your purpose, you will not wonder, “Is it 5:00 yet?” You can also identify things you can do to improve other people’s lives. People who have a ‘Why’ are grateful for their lives and often contribute more to the world beyond themselves than those who do not have this sense of gratitude.

For those looking to rediscover their ‘Why’, we would recommend looking for high points in your day. Think about which aspects of your job you truly enjoy; perhaps it is meeting new people, closing business deals, travelling to other countries or having the freedom to exercise your creativity. Then go back and try to remember what pushed you to start your business.. Was it to help others? Was it to support your family? Is it just something you love doing? Be honest with yourself, set yourself some goals and really reconnect with your ‘Why’.

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.