Greening the Workplace: How Plants Enhance Productivity and Happiness in Office Spaces

From climbing vines to leafy palms, the incorporation of greenery into office spaces is more than just an aesthetic choice. It’s no secret that plants bring numerous benefits to the workplace, by enhancing the physical environment but also fostering productivity, improving mental well-being, and creating a harmonious atmosphere that drives success.

Search interest for “office plants London” is up by 83% since last year, suggesting that there’s a growing trend in the capital for introducing more greenery into workspaces. Workspace has shared three tips on how employers can incorporate more botanicals into their office spaces:

  1. Choose plants that are easy to care for

Not all employees will have a green thumb. It’s important to consider investing in simple and low-maintenance plants when introducing them into your office space. This way you avoid the risk of them wilting or having to hire a professional to care for the plants.

  1. Determine the best location for the plants for freshness and longevity

It’s important to consider the availability of sunlight and temperature of the space when deciding the placement of plants. Each plant is different – some thrive in bright airy areas whereas others prefer shade.

  1. Encourage employees to personalise their workspace with plants

Creating an environment where employees can use plants to brighten up their desk space enhances a sense of belonging and ownership – whilst also bringing life and colour into the workplace.

Workspace spoke to Jo Lambell, founder of Beards & Daisies to learn more about the benefits of adding greenery to your office space.

Jo says: “Bringing plants into the office is a great way to allow your employees to feel closer to nature, which can help reduce stress levels. A study in Japan found that even just the sight of a plant can help reduce your heart rate and help you feel calmer. They recommended taking nature breaks, giving you the chance to bring your stress levels back down.

“It’s also proven that having plants in the workplace can actually increase productivity by up to 15%. It’s hard to believe, but working in a space which feels clean and fresh can really affect a worker’s attitude and level of motivation. 

“The link between nature and creativity runs deep, with many creatives citing nature as a huge inspiration in their work. The best ideas often come to us when we’re out on a walk, thinking about nothing but the bright blue skies and the tall leafy trees, so by bringing a touch of this into the office, you’re helping replicate that same inspiring environment.

“A well-thought-through office design or décor shows that you’re prioritising the space in which your employees will spend a great deal of their time, and therefore a few gorgeous greens can go a long way.

“Whilst we can’t promise that plants are the answer to all of your HR concerns, there is a great deal of research which suggests that offices which incorporate plenty of natural elements into their environment have a higher well-being score and less sickness/absence rates than those who don’t.”

One great way to incorporate greenery into your workspace is with terrariums. Workspace Group collaborates with Leafage, who host terrarium workshops, to offer customers in their buildings the opportunity to do activities centered around mindfulness as a break from their workday. 

Founder Kay Suppamas says: “I believe that nurturing a tiny ecosystem, like a terrarium, serves as a gentle reminder of the significance of nurturing our own well-being along with the natural world around us.”

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.