5 Lessons to Learn from Bridgerton to Elevate Your Personal Brand

With Bridgerton Season 3 claiming the top spot on the Netflix Top 10 TV Shows list, it has become a staple for its juicy drama, flawless dresses, and impeccable manners.

According to Nadya Movchan, a personal brand expert, and founder of the communications and growth firm Movchan Agency, incorporating these manners in the workplace can help you build a strong, uncompromised reputation and shine like the diamond of the first water—extremely important for a successful career.

1. Don’t be a wallflower at networking gatherings

Just like at Regency-era balls, everyone is trying to get formally acquainted with one another. Although it’s not a marriage mart, where the Queen will pick a diamond of the season, networking and self-presentation can be quite intimidating. However, keeping to yourself and expecting others to approach you would be a huge mistake. Do your homework — find out who will be attending and practice introducing yourself. Act approachable and be curious to get to know people around you. People adore nothing more than others showing an interest in what they have to say. It’s crucial to balance self-promotion with listening — and remembering — what others have to say.

2. Communicate professionally

To the modern viewer, Ton’s excessively polite way with words may seem archaic and unnecessary. However, having composed speaking skills will still make a good impression. Firstly, avoid inserting parasite words such as like, ehm, uh, well, and literally. Secondly, be cautious about using humor if you don’t know the person too well and want to avoid awkwardness. And lastly, don’t forget that you are talking to a human like yourself. Corporate jargon may throw people off and, at the very least, they will perceive you as disingenuous.

3. Own your mistakes

Lady Whistledown revealing herself at a ball in front of the Queen herself may have caused shock — but at least she owned it, publicly apologized for the irresponsible use of her power, and promised to be more considerate in the future. Society accepted her sincerity, which ultimately saved her reputation. Honesty is often the best policy. Coming forward with a genuine apology when you make a mistake at work is an admirable quality that shows great character. Sweeping your vices under the rug instead? Secrets come out eventually and will do far greater damage to a personal brand. 

4. Avoid drama

For all their formality, the Ton loved to gossip. Other people’s business was the main topic of every conversation — and yet gossiping was looked down upon and judged. Not much has changed since. Today, if you are caught bad-mouthing your colleagues or competitors, people won’t be as trusting. And if you post controversial opinions on social media? That reputational damage will follow you forever.  It’s best to avoid drama or controversy if you intend to be a pillar of your industry.

5. Maintain your dignity

Should you take a leaf out of Bridgerton’s book and duel for your honor whenever someone accuses you of wrongdoing or questions your expertise? Overreacting won’t help. However, your reputation is your main asset. You have to protect it. When conflict arises, handle it gracefully and respectfully, but don’t play down your concerns or ignore your needs either. Standing up to others is stressful, but people-pleasing and avoidance won’t see you succeed in the long run. It’s a nuanced art — protecting your dignity without appearing overly defensive and hostile — but one that it pays off to master.

Charlotte Giver

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.