7 Ways Employers Can Combat Negative Workplace Culture

A thriving workplace culture is essential for the well-being and productivity of the company’s employees. Negative workplace culture can absolutely (and significantly!) hinder employee morale, as well as overall organisational success. When negativity creeps in, managers hold the key to change. So how can managers go about tackling this to ensure employee safety and wellbeing?

In the last week, searches for ‘sexual harassment’ have risen by 189% as people prepare for the amendment of the 2010 Equality Act. The amendment, effective as of the 26th of October, will mandate employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, emphasising the crucial role of proactive measures in fostering a safe and supportive work environment.

Combating this negative culture in workplaces is essential and requires a proactive and multifaceted approach. We teamed up with Instant Offices to share some strategies on how companies can tackle this: 

1. Identify the root causes 

Conduct a thorough assessment to identify the underlying factors contributing to the negative culture. This can involve anonymous surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews with employees to gather their feedback and insights. 

2. Set clear expectations 

Define and communicate the desired culture that aligns with the company’s values. Establish clear behavioural expectations and ensure that employees understand the consequences of behaviours that are inconsistent with the desired culture. 

3. Provide leadership training and support 

    Equip managers with the skills and tools necessary to address and mitigate negative culture. Offer leadership training on effective communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a positive work environment. Support managers in their role as culture ambassadors. 

    4. Encourage employee feedback and involvement 

    Create channels for employees to provide feedback, suggestions, and concerns about the culture. Establish mechanisms such as regular surveys, suggestion boxes, or employee feedback sessions to capture insights and involve employees in the culture improvement process. 

    5. Address toxic behaviours 

    Promptly address toxic behaviours and situations that undermine the desired culture. Provide training on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and enforce policies that promote respectful behaviour. Take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary to maintain a healthy work environment. 

    6. Foster a culture of accountability 

    Hold individuals accountable for their actions and behaviours. Implement performance management processes that assess cultural fit and values alignment. Recognise and reward employees who demonstrate positive behaviours and contribute to a healthy culture. 

    7. Seek external expertise if needed 

      In complex situations, consider engaging external consultants or HR professionals who specialise in culture transformation. They can provide an objective perspective, guidance, and strategies for combating negative culture effectively. 

      Remember, combating negative culture requires ongoing effort, continuous monitoring, and a commitment from leadership and employees at all levels of the organisation. 

      Sophia Anderson

      Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.