Which Celebs Lost Millions of Followers After Diddy’s Party Scandal? 

New research identified the top ten celebrities who were cancelled recently due to their involvement in Diddy’s controversial “freak off” and white parties, and rapper Jay-Z leads the rankings, losing approximately 3.4 million followers during the last month.

Beyonce was featured in 1.7 million videos discussing her involvement in Diddy’s recent backlash last month and Pink was mentioned in an unusually high number of news articles about her links to Diddy, totalling 5.71 million. 

Heepsy conducted research to identify which celebrities have faced the most backlash or “cancellation” due to their involvement in Diddy’s controversial “freak off” and white parties. The study offers insights into shifting public opinion by analyzing social media trends, news coverage, and online discussions.

The analysis focuses on five key factors: Instagram follower changes over the past month, the number of news articles published, online video mentions, TikTok discussions, and net worth. The ranking is based on the number of Instagram followers lost over the past month.

Celebrity Net WorthThe number of news articles (last month)Instagram Follower Count  (last month)Number of  Videos  (last month)TikTok Activity
Jay-Z$2 Billion1,980,000-3,460,0001,100,000372,200
Beyoncé$600 Million4,110,000-1,242,0411,790,000580,500
Khloe Kardashian$60 Million80,000-853,91833,000217,000
Kim Kardashian$1.7 Billion1,970,000-727,956462,000975,500
Leonardo DiCaprio$300 Million137,000-141,42861,000789,500
Usher$180 Million1,840,000-77,3361,260,000738,000
Oprah Winfrey$3.5 Billion148,000-22,22547,30057,600
Pink$200 Million5,710,000-18,9213,910,00048,800
Jennifer Lopez$400 Million1,740,000-14,289958,000929,400
Ashton Kutcher$200 Million1,800,000-11,2221,030,00027,200

Leading the rankings is none other than rapper Jay-Z, whose involvement in Diddy’s controversial “freak off” parties resulted in a massive loss of 3.46 million Instagram followers over the past month. With 1.1 million online videos and 372,200 TikTok mentions, Jay-Z has remained in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

Beyoncé takes second place, being the most talked-about celebrity in the research, featured in 4.1 million news articles last month that talk about her connection to Diddy. Despite her $600 million net worth and media dominance, she wasn’t spared from backlash, losing 1.24 million Instagram followers.

Ranking third, Khloe Kardashian saw a sharp drop of 853,918 Instagram followers after the Diddy backlash. However, her media presence was quieter than others; with only 80,000 news articles, her 217,000 TikTok mentions indicate that discussions around her cancellation remain alive.

In fourth place, Kim Kardashian, with a hefty net worth of $1.7 billion, saw a loss of 727,956 Instagram followers. Interestingly, Kim remains highly discussed on social media, with 975,500 TikTok mentions and 1.97 million news articles in relation to the backlash involving Diddy—more than any other celebrity analyzed.

Leonardo DiCaprio takes fifth place, losing 141,428 followers on IG. His involvement in Diddy’s events hasn’t gone unnoticed, with 789,500 TikTok mentions keeping him firmly in the public conversation, even though his media coverage was limited to 137,000 news articles.

Usher takes sixth place with a relatively minor loss of 77,336 Instagram followers. With 1.84 million news articles and 738,000 TikTok mentions amidst the public’s speculation of his involvement in Diddy’s event, Usher’s visibility remains high. 

At the top of the wealth scale with a net worth of $3.5 billion, Oprah Winfrey ranks seventh, having experienced a follower loss of 22,225. Despite her connection to Diddy’s events, Oprah’s influence seems largely unaffected, with only 148,000 news articles covering her involvement and 57,600 mentions on TikTok.

Pink stands out in eighth place, with 5.71 million news articles mentioning her involvement in Diddy’s events and making her the most visible in the media. 

Despite this, her follower loss was relatively small at 18,921. With 3.91 million online videos and minimal TikTok activity at 48,800 mentions, Pink’s media coverage hasn’t translated into significant social media backlash.

In ninth place, Jennifer Lopez lost 14,289 Instagram followers after the backlash and recorded 929,400 mentions. Despite her moderate follower loss, her 1.74 million news articles and widespread online video mentions indicate that Lopez remains a major talking point. 

Rounding out the top ten is Ashton Kutcher, whose follower loss of 11,222 was the smallest of the group. With 1.8 million news articles and 1.03 million online videos discussing his involvement in Diddy’s recent events, Ashton has managed to stay visible in the media without facing the drastic backlash seen by others. 

A spokesperson from Heepsy commented on the study: “These findings from Heepsy show how quickly public opinion can turn, even for the biggest names. What’s striking is how differently platforms respond—someone might lose millions of Instagram followers but still trend on TikTok or dominate headlines. Fame doesn’t shield against backlash; in fact, it can make it worse. Today, being highly visible can just as easily bring negative attention, even for the most recognized figures.”

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.