5 fashion tips from Jackie Kennedy
Yves Saint Laurent once said that fashion fades, but style is eternal. Every time I hear this quote, I immediately think of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
I’ve been a fan of Jackie Kennedy for several years, with a particular interest in the work of the Kennedy Administration and Jackie’s time as a book editor. The period of her life ‘after Jack’ is similarly intriguing, and it is this era of her life that I look to for timeless fashion tips.
1. Never be without your sunglasses: I always opt for big sunglasses, or at least ones that cover the whole of my eyes! Jackie was known for the bug-eyed style of glasses, and legend has it that she had a bowl by her front door that contained many different pairs.
2. Own a classic handbag: From Gucci to Hermes, Jackie carried a designer handbag to store her essentials. While you don’t have to spend several months rent on the latest purse, look for a classic shape and color scheme that will take you easily from season to season.
3. Off-duty doesn’t have to be untrendy: When she wasn’t on ‘duty,’ Jackie would opt for jeans and a pair of Keds to run around town. With endless options to choose from, there are pairs of Keds for everyone! Plus they’re very useful for running away from paparazzi!
4. Invest in jewelry that will last a lifetime: Timeless pieces of jewelry are always a winner, and Jackie had several items that she wore from her time as a Senator’s wife in the 1950s, up until her death in 1994. Because luxury items hold their value, consider investing in a timeless piece that will bring both revenue and style.
5. Keep them guessing: Many of Jackie’s jewels were actually costume jewelry designed by Kenneth Jay Lane. She even had real pieces recast in paste, and many individuals couldn’t tell the difference. If costume jewelry worked for Jackie, it will work for you!
By: Laura Dunn