How To Wear The Most Versatile Must Have Item (The Tunic) For Spring
How to wear the most versatile must have item (the tunic) for spring
There are times when we feel like we’ve lived one hundred days in what’s really just one single day by nature’s clock. A corporate meeting in the morning, lunch with friends, an afternoon at the office, a school appointment with the head teacher, an evening work event, and finally snuggling up on the sofa with the other half to catch up on a box set. Apart perhaps from navigating the city with a wardrobe on wheels, stopping every few hours to make West End style quick changes, how on earth is our wardrobe supposed to keep up with our changing characteristics and commitments?
Petra Mayer, founder of TUNIQ’ Concept, asked herself this very question. What garment, she wondered, could take this young executive / mother / wife / friend / globe trotter through the day with minimal effort? What garment would make her look and feel serious, cool, sexy, elegant or comfortable at any given moment? Her answer was to create a ‘versatile classic’ that would champion a woman, her figure and her personality no matter where the day might take her. The shape of a tunic was her starting point…
‘It’s the shape – fluid and simple – that makes it an open invitation to play’, Petra explains when we ask what it is about a tunic that makes it so versatile. ‘The tunic can evolve easily…it’s the ideal starting point’. Available in two lengths and four sizes, all TUNIQ’ Concept pieces provide a perfect base regardless of body shape, size or personal style.
For the laid back boho girl, Petra suggests TUNIQ’ W paired with jeans or shorts, while for the party diva it’s all about the Disco Coat with its sparkling detail. All the dress length tunics are perfect for high-powered city women, Petra tells us, and look gorgeous styled up with a pair of stilettos. We love the idea of the 5th Avenue tunic, if only because the name makes us daydream of strutting through New York, coffee-to-go in hand, making our way to the office for a productive day. The super casual chick can relax in TUNIQ’ Concept’s Neo Corail – with its tech fabric, you can even go running in it. Now that’s what we call a versatile item!
Having decided which tunic is right for your personal style, the real fun can begin. Jackets, jumpers, trousers, leggings, tights, no tights, heels, flats, belts, necklaces …we’re running out of breath here, so we’ll let the expert give you a little inspiration! ‘Personally, I sometimes wear a short woollen sweater on top, just to cover the arms and leaving a little bit of the collar’, Petra reveals. ‘Or on the contrary, a business shirt of my husband’s under the TUNIQ’ Graphic Black or TUNIQ’ Diner Chic, which gives it a great corporate style with a twist!’ Don’t forget accessories; cinching in a tunic at the waist dramatically alters its vibe. Masters of versatility, TUNIQ’ Concept even have necklaces that are open at the ends, meaning they can be worn as belts or bracelets too!
As our time with Petra comes to an end, there’s just enough time to ask her perhaps the most important question – how she takes her coffee. She laughs, realising that her collection has two coffee variants, the Café Latte and the Cappuccino. ‘I have mine ristretto black, no sugar – yep, the real stuff that keeps you running not going!’ A well-caffeinated lady with ambition who tends to the professional woman’s wardrobe needs? Wow, Petra is our kind of person!