Pretty and Cosy PJs for a Netflix Marathon
Pretty and cosy PJs for a Netflix marathon
With the arrival of the colder season imminent, and the weather being so unpredictable, there’s nothing like meticulously planning an evening or weekend doing, well, nothing! We defy you to find anything more rewarding than a duvet day after a manic week at work.
Taking our relaxation time unashamedly seriously, it’s important to put in a little pre-duvet day prep – namely picking out perfect PJs and browsing Netflix boxsets. Narcos, anyone? The beauty of the duvet day being the seamless movement from night to day and back to night again, you’ll need pyjamas that double as both sleepwear and loungewear. They need to be as comfortable at night as they are stylish during the day. ‘My brand is aimed at integrating these two styles by creating both the classic comfort styles, whilst also adding lace and a more sexy style to other pieces’, Zara Mishon, founder of Mish London, tells us. ‘We inspire women to look good whilst feeling great’.
Sounding perfect for the Netflix marathons we have planned for this winter, we delved a little further in to Mish London’s pyjama drawer. Like ours, Zara’s PJ drawer used to be a bit of mess. ‘Lots of shops offer pyjama sets, however this faced me with the dilemma of buying a set of pyjamas just to buy some bottoms that I liked, or vice versa, which forever left me with random tops or bottoms hanging around that were left unworn!’
We’re not all the same size from head to toe, so we need to be able to pick and choose, to mix and match. Plus, as evenings switch from muggy to cool from one night to the next, teaming long pyjama bottoms with a camisole top one day and long sleeved shirts with shorts the next is ideal. Be gone rigid summer and winter sets! With Mish London it’s a case of ‘We Mish, You Match’, a slogan that effortlessly sums up designer Zara’s desire to provide you with the opportunity to create your own perfect pyjama set …and it doesn’t stop at shape and style either; with prints from feathers to butterflies and colours from pinks to blues you can further customise your own PJ set to suit your tastes!
‘The Mish London classic shirt and trousers are this autumn/winter’s must have items. They’re perfect for those cosy winter nights in, and also those lazy weekends where the weather’s not good enough to leave your bed. What I also tend to do is to wear the slightly oversized shirt as a nightshirt and only put the trousers on when roaming the house – often the shirt is enough!’
So your pizza is on it’s way and you’re cheekily breaking in to the sharing bag of chocolate buttons to tide yourself over until it arrives; now what to watch? With a cult-like following of its own thanks to the cult TV boxsets it shows, you can count on finding a show to satisfy all your weird and wonderful interests on Netflix. Clad in their little lacy shorts, girly girls should spend the weekend catching up on the entire back catalogue of Pretty Little Liars. The next season isn’t on TV until next year, so there’s plenty of time to catch up on what you’ve missed! For those mourning the end of Netflix must-see Breaking Bad, binge on Narcos, a gripping drama about the criminal exploits of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar. One for sci-fi fans, Sense8 follows people who have a psychic connection with others across the globe, and tracks their ability to utilise each other’s powers.
Getting some press for its Emmy nominations, Bloodline is an intriguing drama about a Florida Keys family sitting on secrets. It’s a bit of a slow burner, so make sure you’re settled in good and cosy in your long sleeved cotton shirt, but with stunning scenery, terrific acting and a teased out storyline it’s well worth your time. It’s written by the same people behind Damages, also on Netflix. Another twisty thriller series, this one features the infinitely talented Glenn Close as a rather terrifying lawyer. For horror and supernatural fans, Hemlock Grove’s third season is starting this month and features the fabulous Famke Janssen. Finally, if you’re in the mood for a film and want to watch something as stylish as you feel in your cotton cami there are always the classics – Clueless and The Talented Mr Ripley will forever be YCB go-tos!
So plump your pillows, slip in to your cosy PJs, press play and enjoy, because a Mish London pyjama set is the perfect treat product to buy for yourself or as a present to make me time that little bit more special! We won’t judge you if you hit rewind and replay this little scenario every weekend this winter…
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