7 Reasons Why You Should Download This Cool New Fashion App
7 reasons why you should download this cool new fashion app
Our closets can be the utter bane of our existence when we have an entirely full closet and yet nothing to wear. So naturally, we go shopping when we can’t figure out what to wear; whether we just need a dose of inspo or we actually find something, we feel as though we need hanging in our closet ASAP. But what if we want to expand without the regret or doubling up on something unintentionally? Download Hanger and connect your closet with your social network to see what is at your disposal for a night out or just to switch it up every so often.
So basically, the Hanger app helps you refine and redefine your personal style by bringing to light the fact that we typically only wear about 30% of what’s actually in our closet and have about $500 worth of garments left unworn! These numbers are seriously crazy because we so often think we have absolutely nothing to wear.
Hanger will help you discover what you actually wear so you can purge the things you don’t, and it will help you out a bit when you shop–you’ll know if you have stuff to match a new item when you bring it home, and you’ll know that you don’t have anything like it already.
1. Value & Functionality
Hanger capitalises on what you already have by giving you a gallery view of outfits you have created using your own clothing. You can keep a running list of outfit variations so you get the most out of what you own. Track how much you spend and how often you wear things, calculate the cost per wear and find out what you wear most.
2. Style Inspiration & Validation
Hanger gives your friends the opportunity to give feedback on every item in your closet, so you know what you wear best and what looks best together. Outfits are based on your wants, needs, and what you already have, as well as what you have access to in your social network’s respective closets. Your friends can also create outfits with your clothes and their own clothes. Better yet, they can make suggestions to you within the app.
3. No More Buyer’s Remorse
Hanger wants to make sure you absolutely love everything that’s hanging in your closet. We’ve all been in a store and have had no idea if we own something similar or if we even have anything that will match the new item being considered. Hanger connects that bridge so you know your bringing your new item into the company of more than one complete outfit.
4. Borrowing & Loaning
If you need something for a special occasion, Hanger makes it easy to browse friends’ closets for something to borrow instead of making a purchase. You can browse every connection’s clothes in a single feed by size, colour, item type, or just view one friend’s closet at a time. In addition, you can create outfits using clothing items from your friends closets who you are connected to within the app, and request to borrow those items.
5. A Connected Closet
Since it’s connected to your phone, it’s always with you, almost like ‘The Force’. Moreover, since our lives are becoming more and more on the go, having your closet in your pocket is a great way to remember what you actually have in your closet currently. We all know the feeling of thinking “Do I have something similar to this already” running through our minds while we’re trying something on, now you’ll know.
6. Sharing Capabilities
Need your posse’s feedback on your Friday night ensemble ASAP? Share your outfit to your favourite social media platform and get your social network’s instant opinion. Connected friends can also comment within the app.
7. Necessity
Your phone already organises so much of your life, shouldn’t it organise your closet, too? We all have a love/hate relationship with our closet. Hanger is taking the stress out of getting dressed by becoming our personal style assistant and our best friend while we shop. And it’s a great way to expand your wardrobe when everything in your friends’ closets is also at your fingertips.
So if you’re looking to not only expand your closet but do so in a smart, financially-savvy, and even environmentally friendly way, check about our new favourite app, Hanger, and see just how much it can improve your life–or at least your style.