5 Fashion Apps for Women on the Go
Even if we love fashion and shopping, many of us just don’t have time for it. Luckily, there are a number of companies who are trying to revolutionize the fashion industry starting with how we shop. They want it to be the best experience possible for us, but also the most personal and fun.
Here are a few fashion apps every busy career woman should consider!
This is the app for fashion fans. It allows you to interact with brands and icons. You can create a profile and follow your fashionistas and stores to build your very own style community. You can also ask for advice and recommendations on anything from shopping to outfits and styling from your new fashion network.
Stich Fix
Launched in 2011 as a recommendation-based retail chain, Stitch Fix is a personal stylist experience without the Rachel Zoe-like cost. For only twenty dollars a month, Stitch Fix’s professional stylists will send you five items based on your size and style preferences. You keep the items you like and send back the rest. Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix’s CEO founded the company to “help women everywhere discover and explore their style through a truly customer-focused shopping experience.”
Style Thief
Kate Bosworth may have just done the unthinkable. The always perfectly dressed actress just created this iPhone app which allows you to “snap and steal” someone’s clothing item by taking a photo and having the app tell you where to buy it. How come no one else has ever thought of this? “I used Style Thief to find the dress I’m wearing. I saw it online somewhere, took a screenshot, and sent it to the app,” Bosworth said at the launch event. “This is what I love about the app! You can take a screenshot of a jacket on the cover of a magazine, and if it’s not available yet, you can still be on trend and find something similar.”
Need more speed shopping in your life? Then this is the app for you. Kwoller, an e-commerce mobile app that launched at TechCrunch’s Disrupt NY, is being referred to as the Tinder of shopping. Taking the swipe-to-judge interface, first popularized by the dating app, Kwoller let’s users swipe through clothing and accessories, one product at a time. Items that have been favored are then added to a “Love List” that users receive instant alerts when their desired items go on sale.
This app helps you with something most people stuggle with on a daily basis: color coordination. It allows you to properly categorize your outfit by color, pattern, brand, and many other labels. You also won’t ever have to repeat an outfit with this app. The style calendar keeps track of all the pieces you wore.