Discover, Explore, Learn and Live London Life to the Max

Discover, Explore, Learn and Live London Life to the Max

September 28, 2015

Discover, Explore, Learn and Live London Life to the Max


There’s a feeling you get when you experience something for the first time. There are jittery nerves, a burst of curiosity, a rush of excitement. When was the last time you felt it? When was the last time you felt that all-consuming energy that makes you feel alive? If you’re slowly coming to the terrifying realisation that you can’t even answer the question because it was so long ago, it might be time to step out of your comfort zone.

We’re creatures of habit. We go to the same gym class every Thursday evening and hit the same local bar every Friday because we feel safe with what we know. Days slowly but surely start to blur in to one. In fact, we’ll bet you can’t even remember your journey in to work this morning because you’re so used to it. Founder of Wonderush Nelson Sivalingam stresses that ‘not only is this routine boring, but also it doesn’t give you the opportunity to grow’. We’re living a perpetual groundhog day. Not only is it not healthy, but it’s also not exciting.

Wonderush was created as a means to help shake off the dust that a monotonous daily routine has let settle. For a flat fee of just £29 a month members are able to experience hundreds of things to do across London, from salsa to stand up comedy, and yoga raves to ukulele classes. ‘Whether it’s developing a new perspective or learning a new thing about yourself, it doesn’t happen without you taking a new action’, Nelson reminds us. Go out of your way to put yourself in a moment that’s new to you and challenge yourself beyond what you know.

In order to help you make that first small step out of your comfort zone, let us introduce you to some of the most weird, wacky, and just plain wonderful activities you can experience in London this autumn!

London’s exercise bunnies should try…

Aerial Yoga:

If you’ve mastered regular yoga, move onwards and upwards by defying gravity as you practice your vinyasa.

Wonderush Aerial Yoga London


Does exactly what it says on the tin – a bizarre but compelling mix of chess and boxing.

London’s dancing queens should try…

Wonderush Street Dance London

Samba Reggae:

For those who can’t decide if they prefer samba or reggae, there exists a 90 minute class that amalgamates the two.

Street dance:

If you’re the first on the dance floor on a night out, it might be time to take your skills even further, backing up your ‘lawnmower’ with a little more technique.

London’s serial daters should try…

Yoga Dating:

Get up close and personal with a potential love interest at this yoga class / singles night mash up.


Learning dance steps derived from salsa moves will ensure your date night is suitably fiery…!

London’s night owls should try…

Wonderush Cocktail Mastering

City Dash:

An immersive adventure that sees you racing around the city solving clues. Think James Bond but without the tux.

Ceilidh Club:

Late nights, great music and Scottish dancing. Do we need to say more?

London’s outdoorsy types should try…

Landscape Painting:

If you always take a moment to stop and appreciate London’s views, take it a step further by learning to paint them.

East End Walking Tour:

An alternative tour that introduces you to London’s most creative and culturally diverse area.

London’s foodies should try…

Hot Tub Dining:

You’ve heard of the supper club – well this is a supper tub.

Tea Tasting:

Your morning cuppa is likely part of your regular routine, now explore your obsession further by learning the art of the perfect brew.

Step out of your comfort zone this autumn and share your new experiences with Wonderush on Facebook and Twitter! Use discount code COFFEE50 to get 50% off your first 3 months!

Anouszka is a print journalist and radio & TV presenter with a penchant for sarcasm and tongue in cheek wit. Most importantly she’s YCB’s Features Editor. When she's not busy being all career driven she'll be baking, working out or making lists. Sometimes she wishes she had been born a decade earlier, and male, so that she could have been in a 90s boy band. Follow her on twitter and instagram @anouszkatate for vital updates on the above things summarised in 140 characters / in photo form.