Oops… I Did It Again! Hangover Myths Busted

Oops… I Did It Again! Hangover Myths Busted

October 21, 2015

Oops… I did it again! Hangover myths busted 

hangover cures

As the saying goes ‘drinking alcohol is like borrowing fun from tomorrow’. Don’t we all know it too well? So what to do when you had one too many cocktails last night?

Bloody Mary? Fry up? Pickle juice? Or maybe Yoga class? When it comes to that dreaded hangover, everyone has their favourite way of fighting it. We at YCB asked our Nutritionists to bust the myths and reveal what really works … just in the right time for the party season.

Why does my head hurt so much?

Most of us have experienced the discomfort and frustration of a hangover. They are a pain in the  … well, head! ‘Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that once in your blood your body needs to put its water supplies in your bloodstream to dilute it. This creates an increase in blood volume and pressure. To bring your blood pressure down, we then need to excrete the water down the toilet. The problem being, now our cells are lacking the water that they need. Our brain is around 70% water, and dehydration can lead to brain shrinkage, which is what causes the pain.‘ explains Shona Wilkinson, Head Nutritionist at www.nutricentre.com.

Water, water, water!

Water seems like the obvious cure, however not all water is equal. ‘The control of hydration is the hands of electrolytes, which are minerals found in water. For your best chance of beating that hangover, choose mineral rich water or add in some extra electrolytes that are designed for athletes and sports people. The water will also help to flush out the toxins, speeding up the detoxification process. Drink a large glass before going to bed and be sure to drink plenty in the morning. You can also try coconut water, which it’s naturally packed in electrolytes and minerals.’ advices Ella Allred, Nutritionist at www.nutricentre.com.


The water and mineral content of fruit will help to rehydrate you and put an end to your hangover headache. ‘There is an enzyme in pears that scientists are currently investigating for its ability to help us metabolize alcohol, and prevent us from having a hangover. If you’re going to eat fruit, it makes sense to choose a pear!’ advises Shona.

If you are not a big fan of pears, go for berries ‘They are rich in antioxidants and offer protection from free radicals, which are considered another cause of hangovers.’ adds Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading Nutritionist (www.marilynglenville.com).

You can also top up your antioxidant levels by taking the right supplement. ‘The unique blend of organic wholefoods in Nature’s Plus Ageloss Women’s Multi (www.revital.co.uk, £28.45) will help to replenish the vitamin and mineral loss after a night out of drinking. It will help to counteract the high free radicals production that your liver will release to detoxify the alcohol intake.’ suggests Michela Vagnini, Nutritionist at www.naturesplus.co.uk.


You muscles are achy and – lets face it – it is very unlikely that you will go for a run or bike ride. How about Yoga then? ‘The movement of yoga will help to increase blood flow to all parts of your body, but importantly, your liver. The more blood that passes through, the quicker your liver can detoxify the alcohol. The sweating will help to eliminate the toxins through your skin but it can make the problem of dehydration worse, so ensure that you drink plenty of water at the same time!’ explains Allred.

Fizzy Vitamin C

Most of us crave a cold, fizzy orange drink on the morning after. Why? It is our body asking for vitamin C. ‘Vitamin C will help your body recover from the ingested toxins as it speeds up metabolism of alcohol by the liver. Even though drinking deletes Vitamin C in body tissues it can be easily replenished by having a fizzy Vitamin C that will also quench our thirst. Try new Effervescent Vitamin C by Quest Vitamins (www.revital.co.uk, £2.49)’ explains Sharon Morey, Nutritionist at Quest Vitamins.

Fry up

Having a decent breakfast will help to replace some of the lost nutrients that your body used to detoxify the alcohol. ‘Ideally choose eggs, because they are rich in cysteine, which is needed to break down acetaldehyde. Try a healthier cooked breakfast of poached eggs, green leafy vegetables, grilled tomatoes and wholegrain bread. Keep your energy up by having plenty of slow release carbohydrates from wholegrains and vegetables. Beans are a good source of fibre and folic acid, as well as protein to help with the body’s recovery. It is however better to avoid bacon and sausages. The nitrites in them will only add to the toxic burden on your body.’ explains Wilkinson.

Hair of the dog

As tempting as Bloody Mary sounds and looks, it is hair of the dog that bit you in the end. ‘Drinking more alcohol will not help! It may initially take the edge off the pain, however will in the long run will only make it hurt more and last longer. It will dehydrate you further and give your liver more toxins to handle. And hangover will come eventually anyway. Not a good idea!’ says Ella.

Activated charcoal

It’s actually used in the treatment of some kinds of poisoning, because it absorbs toxins and helps them to be removed from the body. However, it would make sense to take the charcoal during or shortly after drinking alcohol rather than the next morning, as it binds toxins in the gut before they can be absorbed.’ says Wilkinson.

Pickle Juice

Yes, you heard right. ‘The vinegar could be stimulating the liver to help detoxify and eliminate the alcohol. When pickles ferment, they also produce a certain type of soothing bacteria to help with irritated stomach.’ explains Shona.

Bone broth

If you make your own broth or stock at home you could do worse than drinking a cup or two of this the morning after. ‘Bone broth contains lots of minerals that are naturally released from the bones during cooking – and these, together with the salt, could help to fight fatigue and boost your energy levels. The amino acids it contains can help to soothe the gut lining too.’ explains Ella.

Eat before you drink

‘Overall, it’s important that you do eat before drinking to slow the absorption of alcohol and additionally reduce the irritation that it causes to the stomach. Include healthy fats such as an olive oil dressing to slow absorption of alcohol, thereby slowing the work for your liver.’ explains Wilkinson.

3 x NO

‘Before, during and after drinking it’s best to avoid sugary foods and drinks, as alcohol consumption tends to play havoc with energy and blood sugar control. It’s better to focus on protein and unrefined carbohydrates, which release glucose slowly. Say no to caffeine and spicy food that can not only worsen the dehydration but also irritate your stomach.’ says Dr Glenville.

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.