Breakfast vs. No Breakfast

Breakfast vs. No Breakfast

January 26, 2016

Breakfast vs. no breakfast

Breakfast vs. no breakfast

You’ve probably had people tell you many times “you really should eat breakfast!” But the rush of waking up, showering, finding clothes, getting the family ready and trying to get everyone to their proper locations on time – we can often overlook this important meal.

Yes, they say mornings create the tone for the rest of the day and that breakfast is the most important meal, but for the majority of us morning is simply a race against time to get yourself or your family ready for the day ahead. And in this mad dash for work or the manic school run, it’s easy to overlook this important meal. But what does missing breakfast in the morning really mean for your wellbeing?

In order to answer this question, MOMA have created an infographic that puts the situation in to perspective and lists some of the facts about breakfast.

According to the infographic, 25% of people are skipping breakfast once or more during the week, with more than one in ten (13%) never eating their bowl of cereal. Out of the women that make up that percentage, 29% regularly skip breakfast because they are too rushed in the mornings.

If you are one of those 29%, we have listed some of the health benefits of eating a nutrient rich breakfast below:

1. A healthy breakfast can provide the protein, fibre, calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals needed for growth and development.

2. There is a 2 hour window when we wake up where breakfast can make a positive difference in how your body metabolises glucose (blood sugar).

3. Breakfast can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

4. Eating breakfast can help to enhance your memory, attention, the speed of processing information, reasoning, creativity, learning, and verbal abilities.

5. A healthy breakfast can give you the energy boost you need to be more physically active during the morning.

6. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down. Breakfast can jump start your metabolism by allowing your body to start burning calories from the very beginning of the day.

For more information on the benefits of breakfast, check out the MOMA website here

During the day Kat is the Head of content at Firecask, but at night she can be found taking photos, making crafts and writing scripts.