Open Your Eyes to the Benefits of Organic Cotton
Open your eyes to the benefits of organic cotton
If you haven’t already boarded the organic bandwagon, chances are you’re still conscious of what you put in your body. We all try to eat that little bit healthier and aspire to treat our bodies like the temples they are. Apart from on a Friday night when we just want to demolish all the junk food in sight and wash it down with a glass of wine, a refreshing G&T, or whatever’s in the cupboard for that matter…
Last year alone, British women spent an extra £1.4m per week on organic products. Organic skincare sales have also gone through the roof over the past five years, with the majority of women now favouring far friendlier, non-fragranced, more natural versions of their favourite beauty buys. But what about the products you put inside you? Have you considered extending your health consciousness to include even your intimate hygiene products?
If you’re anything like us, you feel frustrated that the femcare aisles in supermarkets are very small and offer an extremely limited choice. They only seem to stock the mainstream brands (as well as their own brand products of course) and there are no organic cotton alternatives to be found. So what’s a girl to do when we simply don’t have time to seek out these products elsewhere?
Enter TOTM, a stylish new brand that makes your Time of The Month a lot healthier and hassle-free. According to them, a woman uses roughly 13,000 tampons in her lifetime. That is a LOT of tampons! And did you know that the lining of the vagina is one of the most absorbent parts of your body? So it makes sense that you don’t want just anything going in there, but how many of us know what’s actually inside our tampons? This is something TOTM is looking to change.
When it comes to buying tampons, pads and liners, it’s REALLY important to put your health first. Period.
Since tampons were created in the 1930’s, the materials used to make them frankly haven’t changed much. They still include a GM cotton and synthetic-rayon mix, bleached with chlorine and some are now even scented and dyed! While we might wear synthetic clothing, it isn’t ideal for putting inside you. Especially if it’s treated with chlorine dioxide or chemical fertilisers. These harsh chemicals can be absorbed into your blood stream and cause problems with your immune system and hormones. They’re even been linked to reproductive issues and cancer.
Free from chlorine, pesticides and chemical fertilisers, TOTM’s organic cotton tampons, pads and liners don’t contain perfume and, unlike some, they won’t leave any fibres behind. They’re also non-GM, chemical and pesticide-free, so don’t give the planet much cause to complain either. If that isn’t enough to convince you, then how about their unique subscription service? No more being caught short when Aunt Flo decides to pay a visit a few days early.
TOTM are taking some of the irritation out of women’s periods with high quality, natural organic cotton products delivered direct to your door, just when you need them. The convenient subscription service is tailored to suit your period. All you need to do is pick your products and a delivery date to fit your cycle or place a one-off order. Then they are delivered straight to your door in plain packaging that won’t give the game away. And if you need to order something different, you can make changed whenever you like, or cancel at any time.
Be kinder to your vagina and subscribe to TOTM today.