10 Signs You Are Addicted To Iced Coffee
10 signs you are addicted to iced coffee
“There are two dark, black liquids that run this country,” said Robert Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. “Oil and coffee. Walk down the street in any major city at lunch hour. You just see coffee and cell phones.” And now that it’s summer that coffee is iced and delicious. People are even willing to pay more than 60% for what they do for hot coffee for this iced beverage (cold brewing costs more money.)
Besides shelling out the dough, here are 10 other signs you are probably addicted to iced coffee:
1) When you think of water and iced coffee the first word that comes to mind is samesies.
2) Your barista knows you by name. He doesn’t spell your name wrong on the cup. And you know his name… and his mom’s.
3) You honestly think milk being poured into iced coffee is one of the prettiest sights you’ve ever seen and you often have to take pictures.
4) You are actually considering switching the spelling of your name to the way your barista spells it.
5) You have started to forget what hot coffee tastes like.
6) You thank the makers of iced coffee at least once a day.
7) Your hand feels weird when it isn’t holding a cup of iced coffee. You suffer from phantom coffee-cup holding.
8) It’s hard for you to not drink anything from a straw.
9) After four hours without coffee you get a headache.
10) You’ve been diligently doing research on how to make iced coffee at home.