How to Break Your Bad Habits NOW!
How to break your bad habits NOW!
It’s that time of the year again, Stoptober is upon us
2016 is the year where the health and wellbeing arena boomed, with millennials and older generations alike swapping Friday drinks for a run in the park or a lengthy BOOMCYCLE class and instagramming their ‘souping’ efforts as appose to their Bake off creations. So how can we ensure that breaking our unhealthy habit goes beyond October?
Ecigwizard is on hand to give their top 5 tips:
1. Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it.
First things first, stop focusing on what you can’t do! This is setting yourself a negative goal and the brains ‘habit learning’ system does not learn new things by ‘not doing’. Instead, set an agenda of what you are going to do with short term objectives. Rewarding these goals will encourage you to break the habit for good.
2. You’ve been fined!
Money is always a good motivator. Why not adopt the ‘swear jar’ method and pay yourself or your friends every time you commit the habit?
3. Get Social
Social media is well and truly integrated within our society. Take to your chosen social channel to declare the habit that you wish to break, this can be a simple Facebook status update or Tweet. Nobody likes to admit defeat so it can work as a great motivator to stay on track. Also, giving an update on your progress presents your following with the opportunity to offer words of encouragement.
4. Positivity is key
Sometimes, it is all about your mindset and you have to think positively when embarking on breaking a habit. If you commit the habit, do not dwell and punish yourself. Instead, figure out what led to committing the habit and decide what you will do differently next time. Most importantly of all, stay positive!
5. Join forces
Pair up with someone and break your habit together! Both parties can hold each other accountable and you can celebrate your victories together. Also, knowing that someone is relying on you is a powerful motivator!