7 Steps to Feeling Accomplished at the End of Each Day
Each morning, people have high expectations for the day ahead. They try to work more, want to have better results than others, they want to finish more tasks, want to relax more and take care of those around them. If you have so many plans and expectations each day, it is very tricky to start it with a forward-looking attitude.
Here are 7 steps you need to follow in order to feel accomplished at the end of the day.
1. Begin With a Positive Mindset
It’s really important to start your day in a pleasant way, by doing something you like. Think of the most entertaining morning routines you have and do them as soon as you wake up. Some people like jogging, others like reading a book, meditating, walking their dog or drinking their coffee on the porch.
Either way, you should transform the activities you like into habits that boost your morale. By doing this, you will start your day with a positive mindset and your efficiency will improve.
2. Know Your Mainstream
Often, we spend a lot of precious energy on things we should not, and the more important ones are approached in an inadequate manner. For example, a decade ago, Nike’s CEO asked Steve Jobs for recommendations regarding the way he should run the business. All this was happening when the Nike company was in a slump.
Steve told him that his company creates some of the best products in the world, but they also have lots of products that increase the costs of the company. He recommended that those products should be stripped away from Nike’s portfolio. In the same year, Steve Jobs did the same with his company’s products and got rid of 70% of Apple’s products.
Prioritize your tasks. Which are the most important ones? If you finish them, you can focus on the less important ones.
3. Put Your Plan to Work
If you have an objective, but you don’t have a plan how to achieve it, you won’t be able to check your progress and you won’t be very efficient. A clear and efficient plan would look something like this:
– 6:30-8:30- Entertaining Routine
– 9:00-11:00- Task 1
– 11:00-12:00- Relaxation Routine
– 12:00-15:00- Task 2
– 15:00-16:00- Relaxation Routine 2
– 16:00-18:00- Task 3
– 18:30-22:00- Hobbies, self-improvement
4. Focus on Relevant
What tasks do you consider the most relevant? You might have lots of tasks to accomplish, but which ones are the most vital? You’ve planned your day, now you need to choose which tasks you will accomplish in the designated intervals.
If you focus on the most important ones, it will be harder to get distracted from your daily plan, thus your productivity will increase.
Apart from working effectively, you also need to consider efficiency. This means that you should delegate the tasks you consider inappropriate for the day. You might have to write some documents or a post for your business blog and you don’t have either time or skills to do that properly. You get professional writing help to unload yourself.
5. Reduce Negativism
When you have lots of tasks to finish and you become tired, negativity will kick in and you’ll say ”I’ve done enough work for today. I will stop now!”. Even so, by doing this you won’t keep up with your schedule and tomorrow you’ll become even more pessimistic regarding your plans.
That’s why you should have at least two relaxation routines, little things to help you unwind, in your work schedule. You’ll detach yourself from all the negativity you’ve gathered along the way and you will get back to work with an optimistic approach and full of energy.
6. Set Your Own Pace
Even though ambition is a very constructive thing, setting yourself impossible objectives can become a harmful habit. When you create your daily plan, estimate the amount of tasks you are able to deliver that day. If you add too many tasks, you won’t be able to carry out all of them and the ambition will turn into a toxic resource.
7. Examine Your Ups & Downs
The most effective method of self-improvement is the close examination of your activity. Take a look at your plan and what you’ve achieved. Have you finished all your tasks for the day? If yes, can you add more tasks to your schedule? If no, what can you do to improve yourself? Focus more on your tasks, increase the efficiency of your work. During this process, you can ask for the help of a friend. This way you will have an objective review of your activity.
By putting these steps into practice, you should be able to finish all your work and relax in the meantime. This way, you will feel accomplished at the end of the day. It will be hard, at first, to follow your plan and complete all the tasks, but day by day you will be able to complete all of them and your work efficiency will increase drastically.