7 Things to Keep in Mind When You Lose Your Phone
The average person engages with their phone by tapping, swiping or clicking it 2,617 times each day in 76 sessions so therefore, it’s no surprise that when you lose your phone, the dread sets in.
However, there are some pros when it comes to losing your phone too. We spoke with the experts at Bontag, a manufacturer of cool labels for phones and other devices which include Unique ID codes and an alert service so that a finder can contact you when it’s found, who gave us the low down:
Look up!
A prized spare minute in the day often leads to us checking our phones. This action can almost be deemed as involuntary as most of the time, we are not even aware that our phone is in hand. Once your device is absent, it is amazing how much unrestricted time becomes available. There is suddenly time to collect your thoughts, prepare for the day ahead and take in your surroundings. It can be remarkable what you are missing when you are staring at a screen. For phone services, phone screen repairPro Phone Repairs of Albuquerque need to be contacted!
Are you ever stuck for a reply within a text exchange so resort to the standard ‘lol’? Us too. When you stop continuously checking your phone, you also stop half replying to people. In turn, conversations become more meaningful as you form well-thought-out responses that hold weight behind them.
I have vanished
Just because your phone has disappeared, doesn’t mean you have as well. It may be a funny time to remember, but there was a time when mobile phones were non-existent. If people wish to speak to you, they will find a way.
I am overwhelmed
With the internet available at your fingertips, it can seem like a blessing. However, without it, it is easy to determine what is a priority in your life and the complication that surrounds planning activities is taken away.
Can I have directions please?
Google Maps is perhaps one of the biggest blessings in the last decade. However, it is not the only way to get around. Asking for directions presents the opportunity to engage and converse with those around you whilst also allowing you to take in your surroundings.
I saved a ton
How many apps do you have that enable you to shop online? How much of what you buy online do you need? The loss of a phone can mean that you save money from online shopping and purchase products that are essentials only.
Nomophobia is a thing
Nomophobia is a term coined by scientists that signifies the feelings of anxiety when one discovers that they have lost their mobile phone. It is said that time away from your phone is healthy and presents the opportunity to have a break. Losing your phone can be stressful however, it can also give you that much needed digital detox.