Survey Reveals Top Ten Reasons Brits Give Up New Year Diets
We’re all desperate to start the year on a good foot – New Year’s Resolutions go way back. Back in the time of the Romans, they began each year making promises to the god Janus – but he was usually depicted with two faces, so we can’t necessarily trust him…
But what do we really want from a fresh start…? Do we want to delete the things we enjoy, remove temptation from our lives, only to rediscover them in February?
New stats released by leading intermittent fasting brand LighterLife Fast reveal that 93% of Brits have given up a diet plan.
But what are the top reasons for this?
1. Not being able to resist junk food
2. Always feeling hungry
3. Comfort eating due to emotions
4. Slipping up once, then giving up completely
5. Feeling miserable when on the diet
6. Going it alone with no support
7. Eating too many treats at work
8. Not believing in yourself to lose weight
9. Slipping off the wagon after alcohol
10. Partners serving up calorie-laden food
Our answer is to have a good balance whilst enjoying the journey. Do whatever works for you. You want to enjoy the gym for example and do the classes that not only make you skinny and fit but also make you happy. Prep your meals or don’t. Don’t feel pressured by what other people do. Everyone is different in all walks of life. Fitness is important to have in your life but it’s important to fit it in to your life in the way that works for you. Go for a 30 min walk outside ahead of a meal to get your fitness in whilst getting some fresh air or head to the gym for a run. Find what works for you whilst having a goal to look forward to such as a marathon or a holiday. Let it all become an enjoyable experience.
When it comes to food intake, have a big‑picture goal and work backwards from there to figure out the plan. Stick to one diet that you know yourself that you will be able to carry forward instead of jumping from one to the next. Also, be prepared to work hard in the beginning because getting lean and losing a lot of body fat does take a lot of work and effort. However the way to do it is often very simple. Eat less calories and work out. We like to recommend 400 calories for breakfast and 600 for lunch and another 600 for dinner.
Enjoy a glass or two of something delicious where you know what’s in it.
Ultimately, you must follow your own path and indulge in small treats here and there responsibly – not by punishing yourself during one of the year’s darkest months.
If you get off track, remember; all it takes is one good workout or one nutritionally healthy meal to get you back on the road to health and wellbeing!
Abide by the credit/debit rule – work hard, stay healthy and enjoy a little bit of what everything in life can offer.