Manifesting Your Best Self Through These Easy Steps

Manifesting Your Best Self Through These Easy Steps

August 16, 2019

With so much going on in our lives, it can be easy lose ourselves and feel like we’ve completely forgotten who we are. After a while, we start to wonder where that happy, bubbly and relaxed person went, and where our interests and passions have disappeared to. It’s easy to forget who you are when you’re constantly buried in work and other responsibilities, but that’s okay. With these tips, you’ll be able to manifest your best self once more and be the long-forgotten person you miss so much.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

We all want to achieve big things in life, but if you expect too much from yourself, you’re just going to keep standing in the same place. Having realistic expectations about what you can do is much more productive than giving yourself impossible standards. Even if you think a goal is too easily achieved, set it for yourself. It’s a much nicer feeling to succeed in something small than to fail at something big. Small step by small step, you’ll be completing the big goal in no time.

Realizing that you’re only human and that you can’t do everything but accept that makes it much easier to set realistic goals and complete them. As well as that, you stop being so hard on yourself when you don’t succeed. Ambition is good, but it can end up dragging you down if you don’t pace yourself.

2. Give Yourself a Break

When you fail, don’t punish yourself for it. Nobody likes making mistakes, but they’re a normal and a consistent part of life. They’re necessary for growth. Taking risks doesn’t always have to pay off- that’s why they’re called risks. This doesn’t mean you’re incapable of making a good decision or that there’s anything wrong with your thought process. It only means that you made a mistake and that you can learn from it now.

Just because something happened once doesn’t mean it’s going to happen always. Realizing this and letting yourself breathe normally after you’ve made a mistake is essential for your mental health and wellbeing. Your best self is the one who lets you breathe, make mistakes, and still remain sane after them.

3. Make a To-Do List

You’re probably very used to making to-do lists and overworking yourself, but this one is a little different. Make a to-do list of all the small things you never have time to do. Or, make a to-do list of all the most important things you want to get done during the day. Only focus on those little goals you wrote down. Even if it’s just two things, it’s enough. It’s better to do two important things than nothing at all.

You’ll feel more productive and won’t feel guilty about resting later. Even if you don’t manage to get anything else done during the day, who cares? The most important things are done and you’ve earned the right to indulge yourself.

4. Make Time for Rest

Resting is essential for your wellbeing no matter how much you don’t want to hear it. Allowing your mind and body to just sit in one place, collecting your thoughts and also rest from the world is the best thing you can do for yourself, and also for gaining new inspiration. We all strive to move towards something, but when we run out of fuel, we have to sit down and rest before we continue our journey. Do all the things you wanted to do without feeling guilty about it. Watch your favourite Netflix show, sleep in, take that walk in the park or along the beach, or splurge on that massage.

All of these activities will benefit your physical and psychological wellbeing. Your body will have a way to process the negative emotions and stress it’s been feeling and your mind will finally get to rest from always thinking. That’s why not only mindfulness but also massages can be particularly effective. In fact, most places like Movement 101 offer therpautic massages for exactly that reason. Resting your body properly and indulging in life’s simple pleasures is the best way to discover what you like and who you are.

5. Focus on Wellness Routines

Self-care can also be achieved through wellness routines. You can change up your beauty routine, make yourself the perfect face mask, or soak in the tub for two hours. Whatever spa treatment you think of- do it.

There’s nothing more relaxing than treating your body to a well-deserved spa day. After such a blissful experience, you’ll be full of energy and will to go on and let your best self shine!

6. Learn a new Skill 

You could learn the musical instrument you’ve always wished to play, learn a new language that fascinates you or take a cooking class – anything that amounts to ‘me time’ that will also make you feel like you are achieving something. 

7. Do Something for your Community 

You could volunteer for a local pet refuge centre, a youth group or school; any group that could do with a helping hand. Helping others often makes you feel better about life in general. 

8. Exercise is Key

Find the exercise you enjoy the most and keep at it. It can be as simple as going for a swim, a jog in the park or taking your dog out for daily walks along the beach. In fact, did you know that walking is one of the most underrated forms of physical activity? It has numerous health benefits for both mind and body, requires no equipment other than a sturdy pair of shoes, and it’s free!

No one ever regrets a workout. No matter how long or short you exercise for, every minute of movement counts.

9. Find a Mentor

When it comes to work and your career, you can take charge by finding a mentor willing to share their insights and experience. In addition to guiding you on career growth and decision making, their constructive feedback can help you expand your skill set and also your work life balance. 

10. Travel

Perhaps you want to save time off for a long holiday later in the year, or simply feel you don’t have enough time for a break, but taking regular smaller trips throughout the year will help you feel refreshed, relaxed. happier and more inspired.


These tips may sound simple enough but can prove to be more difficult than you actually thought when you start doing them. You have to actively try and put yourself first, which isn’t easy for a person who’s put themselves second for years. Your true colours will shine through easily enough if you pace yourself and let yourself actually breathe, whilst enjoying things that make feel inspired and fulfilled.

Lena is a journalist with a weak spot for cappuccino, dogs, and sleep. She loves following new trends in health and wellness industries as well as lifestyle and loves sharing her thoughts with other fellow enthusiasts.