Tips For Keeping Your Energy Levels Up During and After a Pregnancy

For many, September signals the return to routines after a long summer break and invariably, long, late summer nights. Whether it’s frantically skimming through the summer reading list with a week to go, getting back into that fitness routine or suffering the inevitable anxieties about the bulging inbox, getting back into the swing of things must begin. But for expectant mums easing back into a routine may not be at the top of the priority list. You’re gearing up for motherhood after all, expecting the pitter patter of tiny feet in no time and we totally understand that all of your focus is on your baby right now. However, it is important to make sure you look after yourself too as well as doing things you love. Take adequate time out of your day to enjoy small doses of things you feel passionate about, and be sure to give yourself enough relaxation, pregnancy isn’t always easy after all!
With the help of Lil – Lets, retailers of maternity pads, we take a look through the factors that you MUST abide by to keep your energy up whilst pregnant.

For a lot of new parents, the excitement and pleasure of a new baby far outweigh any problems, but you can begin to feel low or rather depressed, especially if you are very tired, walking around like a Zombie shell of your former self. Pregnancy is a personal journey and no 2 are the same. For most soon-to-be mums, it can be both exciting and daunting, from working out the benefits you’re entitled to, to making sure you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle for you and your baby,
Giving birth is an emotional and tiring experience, and your hormones change dramatically in the first few days. Some women get the “baby blues” and feel weepy around three to five days after giving birth. Feeling like this can be worse if your labour was difficult, you are very tired, or you have other worries.
Some women worry if they don’t feel an immediate bond or overwhelming sense of love for their baby. But it’s not always love at first sight. You may just need to give yourself time to bond with your baby. You can still care for your baby and provide all the warmth and security he or she needs in the meantime.
Whilst many of these emotions are common after birth there is a condition called Post-natal depression which can be experienced a few weeks or months after birth and for some women, up to a year later. Even if you have initially bonded with your baby, post-natal depression can still occur.
If you are at all concerned that you are experiencing symptoms of post-natal depression speak to your midwife or doctor.
Below are some tips for keeping your energy levels up and taking care of your own well-being, following the birth of your baby.

Get plenty of rest
It’s common for women to feel extremely tired after giving birth. Getting rest where you can, being even more organised and planning ahead will help, especially when it comes to meal times. Batch cooking can be a real-life saver when the last thing you want to do is cook.
Try to go to bed at night soon after your baby is settled and, if possible, try to nap when your baby does during the day (or at least put your feet up and close your eyes). It’s completely normal to feel tired, so don’t feel guilty about resting, you’ve just given birth after all!
Get help from friends / family
They could help with specific tasks, like running errands, doing household chores, cooking meals, looking after your other children, or caring for the baby while you lie down or rest for a while. Try not to do everything yourself and don’t feel guilty for accepting help.
Be selective about guests
Remember that it’s perfectly fine to tell even your family or the best of friends that you’re just too tired for a visit or an extended stay.
Eat right
Try to make healthy food choices with foods that provide sustained energy, like those high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Don’t rely on caffeine and sweets for a quick pick-up. Ensure you have a good breakfast every morning and eat little and often throughout the day to keep energy levels up. If you’re breast feeding you may find you need about 500 calories more than someone who is bottle feeding.
Towards the end of a pregnancy, many women will become iron deficient and anaemic. Foods high in iron include; red meat (it’s recommended to eat red meat up to twice a week), green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, rocket), dried apricots and nuts.
Some foods are known to reduce the absorption of iron. Known as phytates, these include black tea and grains found in bread, rice and pasta. Try to consume these away from high iron foods. It can also help to take an iron supplement with vitamin C to further enhance the absorption of iron. Some iron supplements can also make you constipated so stay well hydrated.
Stay hydrated
It’s important not to become dehydrated as this can cause you to feel more tired and worn down without realising. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. This is particularly important when breastfeeding.
Continue taking supplements (if you wish) especially if you’re breastfeeding, to ensure your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs.
If you’re vegetarian then B12 should be taken daily. B12 is involved in red blood cell formation and when this is reduced you may feel more fatigued.
When you feel ready to do so, get some exercise by taking your baby out for a walk – the fresh air and movement may help you both sleep better at night. Start out slowly and only go for a short distance at first. As you regain your strength, you can gradually step up your pace and distance.