Early Morning Routines That Can Help Motivate Busy Working Professionals
Meditate, journal, play the piano or just enjoy your morning coffee… But allow no interruptions. The point is to start your day with calm and a focused mind.

The early morning hours of the day are important as they help to set the tone for productivity and positivity. On one hand, starting the day by hitting the snooze button may mean being late for meetings and missing appointments. However, on the other hand, it could help you get the extra sleep that you might need for the working day ahead. If you choose to rise early rather than hit the snooze button, you could potentially have enough time in the morning for meditation, exercise, and eating a balanced breakfast. It is therefore essential to start the day right, by adopting morning habits that help start your day the right way.
Adopting a morning routine of healthy practices can help you start your day with high spirits. The feel-good vibe brought on by such routines helps you interact positively with co-workers and tackle your tasks diligently when you clock in at the office.
Wake up early
Do you wake up early? Or do you snooze your alarm? Some studies suggest that snoozing your alarm can help you be more creative and independent. Just make sure you snooze your alarm by ten minutes not an hour, otherwise you might struggle to find the motivation to get out of bed! The early morning hours can often be crucial to the day’s setup. Early risers give themselves plenty of time to have their daily activities planned in advance for the day ahead. Many working professionals might also feel like getting up early means that they can get more done and start their working day before many other people get out of bed.
As well as preparing their schedule for the day, early risers also have the leisure of preparing for the day with no rush. These are the hours where you might want to check and write emails and perhaps schedule future meetings. What’s more, these morning hours are essential for those who relish a morning run or meditation session.
Eat a hearty breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As such, many professionals ensure that they start the day right with a breakfast that contains the right amounts of essential nutrients for the body. It’s important to try and get the right amount of carbs, protein, and vitamins that you need to get you ready for your busy working day ahead.
If you want a good breakfast that will give you the right energy that you need then porridge with bananas or peanut butter is a great energy-boosting meal to have on a morning.
Take some time for meditation
According to a recent survey, approximately 79% of workers are burned-out and have symptoms of mental and physical exhaustion. Burn out can lead to a dip in productivity and lead to an increase in absenteeism at work. One way that you can help tackle burn out is by incorporating meditation into your morning routine. Meditation can help reduce your stress levels and your chances of burning out at work.
There are plenty of meditations apps available on mobiles that can help you practice meditation and mindfulness such as Headspace and Calm. Taking the time to do some deep breathing exercises before work can help you relax and be less stressed for the work day ahead.
Adopt an exercise routine
There are many benefits of being an early riser as waking early can help improve your happiness and increase your productivity. Exercise is also another morning activity that you can benefit from as an early riser as it can help you get a better night’s sleep. Many professionals might take a run on a morning or even do some morning yoga for half an hour before breakfast. Stretching well on a morning can also help stretch out your muscles and prepare you for the working day ahead. Daily or regular exercise can help working professionals in many other ways as staying active can help improve happiness, increase productivity, and also help you get a better night’s sleep.