Fresh & Quirky Specialty Coffee is Yours to Buy Online, Now in the UK

Fresh & Quirky Specialty Coffee is Yours to Buy Online, Now in the UK

March 17, 2020

Cuppa anyone? Coffee or tea…? 

Do you really have to put yourself in one particular hot drink camp? 

Certainly not, you can enjoy both! But, there must exist a little voice in the back of your head that has automatically answered this question for you. Am I right? Oh, just admit it already. I know mine did. And it screams coffee all the way.

If you are a coffee enthusiast and simply cannot live without your daily fix or as some might call us, a caffeine maniac, then I have no doubts that you know a lot about the benefits of this divine drink. And I am not talking only about its ability to wake you up in the morning, or keep you motivated at night when you are desperately trying to meet a deadline. I’m also talking about the impact that daily cup of joe can have on your health.

Sure, there have been numerous debates about whether caffeine does more harm than good to your body. But, you know how this goes. Those who like it will stand for it, those who don’t will stand against it. And, in the end, everyone has the same conclusion. Moderation is the key to health. However, if you are keen on justifying your daily caffeine intake and rub its health benefits in the faces of adamant naysayers, you can get yourself properly informed here:

Specialty Coffee – What and Where

Beware, my fellow coffee devotees, for we have a new trend on our hands. And it is so great that we just might become obsessed with it. Yes, you heard that right. It appears that the ultimate drink has been found. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy… Your eyes are getting wider, right?

But, enough of small talk and let’s hear some facts. By definition, specialty coffee is a term used for the highest grade of coffee available. In practice, this phrase refers to the whole process – from a farmer producing the highest quality beans, to ultimately pouring it in a consumer’s cup. However, the most important feature to remember is that it tastes oh, so delicious.

Now, if this sounds like something that is immensely difficult to acquire, fear not. I cannot count the number of times I have thanked the advancement of technology for making things so straightforward and easy. And now I must do it again. For, in the UK, this marvelously delightful product, that tastes both like sunshine and a pitch-black night (it really depends on your preference), is available for online purchasing.

Still, before deciding to buy, you do want to hear what exactly makes it so special. So, make yourself a cup right now and settle in. You are about to learn a few important things about your favorite drink. Why don’t we start from the beginning?

Who Makes It?

If you thought that anyone can do this, you are wrong my friend. The producer who creates specialty coffee has a lot more work to do compared to the click you make while ordering it online.

Introducing Quirky Coffee Co! Unique coffee roasted to perfection in the UK and shipped worldwide. One of the things we love the most about Quirky Coffee is the fact that Michelle, who is the founder, and her team are beyond dedicated to working only with the best farmers ensuring that each bean is grown in selected altitudes and climates.

What’s more, that it is nursed for years and years before its first harvest. Therefore, these guys invest a lot of time and effort to produce defects-free coffee and pick it at their peak of ripeness. Only this way will it be of the highest possible quality and earn the recognition it deserves.

How Is It Roasted?

There is something called small-batch roasting. It makes a big difference when it comes to the taste.

This process is nothing short of art. Although, it does require a lot of science as well.

But, what makes it so special?

Through small-batch roasting, the roasters dedicate a lot of time to find the perfect treatment for each individual coffee type. Yes, every type has to be treated in a unique way. Often, it can take days, or even weeks to figure out the right fit for a particular one. Roasters dedicate their time to making each and every one of your morning cups perfect.

Now, here is a trick you should keep in mind. Always check the roasting date on the packaging. This is the key to determining its freshness. Ideally, you should consume the coffee around five days after it has been roasted. The five-day period allows it to de-gas. From that point on, it will be of great quality and taste for approximately 30 days.

Anyway, after the process of roasting, the beans go through a few more before they end up in your everyday life. They have to be properly brewed, as well as served. Each of these phases influences the overall quality of the end product and has a say in whether the coffee will be given the ultimate compliment of specialty. 

Who Gets To Name It Specialty?

We are by now aware that, in order to get the best experience, every step from farming to brewing is closely monitored. But, we are still left wondering one thing. Who is in charge? Who has the right to judge our beverage? As I have already mentioned, the term specialty has to do with grades.

I refuse to bore you with all the nitty-gritty details. Here is what you should know…

There is a non-profit trade organization, called the Specialty Coffee Association (SPCAA). For a particular type to become specialty coffee, it has to score at least 80, out of 100, points on the SCAA score. 

Next time you are buying fresh specialty coffee online, pay attention to the score designated on its packaging. That way, you will know that you are getting the best value for your money. And in addition to that, you can rest assured that your taste buds will love it.

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer dreaming of a tour around the world to write a story of her greatest life adventure. For the time being, she feels inspired by her daily yoga sessions and her career in copywriting.