You Need These Essential Tips When Trimming Sugar Buds

You Need These Essential Tips When Trimming Sugar Buds

September 2, 2020

Did you know that the manufacturing and selling of sugar buds is in fact a thriving industry? Nevertheless, the accessibility of it has to be easy and needless to say, wide spread. As interesting and simple as it may sound, the process ranging from the plant all the way to its trimming and final outcome is pretty dense and complicated. The process has to be handled with utter care and be overlooked with an utmost keenness. 

If you’re someone who wants to break into the industry (or perhaps you’re just curious), here are our tips and tricks you need to accentuate your skills for trimming and offering a kickass product:

1. Understanding why it’s done

In order to be successful in this line of work you must understand why and how each certain step is done. With that said, the sugar leaves which eventually lead to smoke able buds are picked and they go through a proper trimming process. These are trimmed for the following reasons: 

  • To make them marketable
  • To eliminate the ‘planty’ odor
  • To prepare them for a smoother impact on the customers
  • To retain the THC Concentration

2. Acknowledge your options

The outlook on wet as well as dry method of trimming is differing. Each method has its own vices and virtues. Further, to put it simply, wet trim is when the leaves are trimmed before drying them out and the opposite is termed as a dry trim. With that said, the common practice is a hybrid of the two. Now, this can be done conveniently with wet & dry trim machines as well as manually. 

The machines you buy are directly correlated to the budget you have and of course the load you have to trim. These machines range from something simple to proper motors which can process pounds and pounds of trims under just a few minutes.

Larger trimmers however can be be pretty expensive but they come with various tumblers installed within them which act as blades to manicure the buds as per your requirements. 

3. Vices and Virtues 

As mentioned above, each wet and dry method has its own merits. With the industry operating on a hybrid method, the ball is still in your court to decide which method suits you best. Following are the pros and cons of each method which will allow you to not only understand the methods but also make up your mind before taking the leap. 

Pros/Cons of Wet Method

  1. Prevents moulds when the humidity is high
  2. Flowers dry faster
  3. More tedious process as it can get stickier
  4. Buds tend to dry fast which leads to compromised flavor
  5. Buds will end up less dense and compact

Pros/Cons of Dry Method

  1. Perfect for places with low humidity
  2. Buds are compact 
  3. Flowers dry slower, hence the flavor is retained
  4. Moisture can be stored resulting in moulding
  5. Buds are discolored quickly and tend to get difficult to cut precisely 
Krysta is an experienced journalist writing articles on lifestyle, business and travel. She has contributed articles to publications such as Huffington Post, Business Insider, Your Coffee Break and Her Money.