What is the Best Coffee Maker for Travel?

There are very few people who don’t like coffee. Or who can function without. Seriously though, some people can’t imagine starting their day without a mug of hot, freshly brewed coffee. It’s not necessarily the caffeine people are addicted to though but rather the smell, taste as well as the sound have some stake too. Sooner or later enjoying a cup of joe becomes an important part of starting your day that you simply can’t be without.
People love their coffee fix regardless of the location and the activity he/she engaged with in a specific time. Be it a road trip, camping adventure or having fun with friends at home, you may need to caffeinate yourself to perk you up and make your time more enjoyable.
There are loads of different varieties and styles, and not everyone’s taste and preference are the same of course. At home, it’s easy to have your coffee the way you want it but finding a perfect cup of coffee can be really hard when travelling. There might be places where you even can’t find coffee or buying it from the cafe may cost you a lot more than what you need to spend to make coffee using a portable coffee maker.
To avoid all these, if you are planning to make your coffee at home and carry it all the way in a pot, leave the plan now, a portable coffee maker can be your right companion to serve you with the coffee as per your liking. But which maker is the best from a huge range of coffee makers in the market?
When you’re looking around for a portable coffee maker, consider the following:
- Brewing method and type of coffee: There are a variety of brewing methods and the ingredients used in the coffee also differs. People have their preferred style of coffee and it’s important to know before buying a maker if it can make coffee that you prefer. To make coffee in some styles, it requires heavy equipment that a portable coffee maker can’t deliver.
- Dimensions and weight: It’s true that you will never find all the coffee makers out there fit your requirement. Some makers are light weighted, some are heavy, few of them are foldable. You need to buy a maker that suits your mode of transportation, size of the travel bag, space you want to allot to your to the maker and how much weight your airline allows you to carry if you frequently travel by plane.
- Volume of Coffee it makes: A portable coffee maker usually doesn’t allow you to make more than two cups of coffee. It is obvious to make sure that your maker delivers enough coffee as you require. Having less coffee than what you consume everyday may irritate you and leave you discontent.
- Power source: Carrying an electric coffee maker in an adventurous jungle trip is a fool’s errand rather taking a battery run or hand run maker is a wise decision. You need hot water to make coffee, make sure that your coffee maker is equipped with a water heating system or you have other facilities to boil water.
- Time needed to brew coffee: When you are in crave for coffee, you may want it fast. No fuss, no waiting. So, it really matters how much time your brewer takes to deliver a cup of coffee. The time varies maker to maker, so before buying a coffee maker, consider how much time you are willing to wait for your morning coffee cup.
- Ease of cleaning: We always tend to avoid the hassle of cleaning and during a trip it might become seriously boring. Some coffee makers are very simple to clean just with a rinse, some others require after use thorough cleaning, you can also find a dishwasher friendly maker which makes your job easier if you have access to a dishwasher. You need to choose the maker you are comfortable to use and clean.
- Environmental Impact: Recently, travelers around the world are showing enthusiasm to save the environment and the demand for recyclable and compostable travel accessories rises as a result. So, if you are a friend of nature, buy a maker that will not harm our environment.
- Small and compact: The less space a brewer occupies in a travelers luggage, the more he/she will prefer to carry and use throughout the journey.
So, considering all the aforementioned factors, which brand is the best? Experts identified Aeropress Coffee Maker as the right fit for home use and for the travelers also as it offers most of the features that make a coffee maker convenient.

Moreover an Aeropress Coffee Maker answers the following whys you should consider to buy it to have a grand travelling:
- Versatility: It is the most versatile brewer you can find out there. You can use it to add various flavour profiles with your coffee. You are free to use the maker in the style you want your coffee to be, quick or long brew, cool or hot water, whatever you want.
- Durability: The maker is nearly indestructible and can be your long distance companion. Made of materials like food-safe polypropylene and silicone, it guarantees long durability.
- Price: Aeropress Coffee Maker offers an affordable price against the quality materials and excellent service the maker comes with. Both the original maker and replacement parts are inexpensive in comparison with other competitor products.

- Extra Goodies: It’s a complete package Aeropress offers to make your coffee time easier and better. The package includes measuring spoon, funnel, paddle, and a holder for paper filters.
If you seek smooth, delicious, and full flavoured coffee with low acidity and bitterness, AeroPress coffee maker is recommended by the experts. The maker shows unimaginable promptness in making coffee taking not more than a minute to deliver 1-3 cups of coffee per pressing. Some serious coffee drinkers complain about its one size and the amount of coffee it makes at a time but it was designed to let them enjoy fresh coffee throughout the day rather than making a batch and having it reheated in the microwave later on. For all these nice features, it has been a much beloved coffee maker for serious coffee lovers and professionals in this field all over the world.