Start, Stop and Carry On…

Start, Stop and Carry On…

January 4, 2021

The year 2020 is definitely one that will go down in history books ― and one that many would like to forget.

After such a challenging year for our health and mental wellbeing, we have worked with the mineral experts Wassen who behlieve this isn’t just the time to make new year’s resolutions but to really reflect on what this year has taught us and make a list of things to start, stop and carry on doing in 2021. After all, we’re still wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, avoiding large gatherings et cetera.

Here are three suggestions to start, stop and carry on doing in 2021.


Replacing bad habits – if there are bad habits you’d like to replace, now is the perfect time to do so. Habits are hard to break but they can be replaced by something better. Alice Dartnell, a Life Coach who specialises in time management and mindset says, “Whilst we like to think we are in control; the fact is that habits run the show. The majority of what we do (anywhere from 40 – 90% in fact!) is autopilot and habitual. The key to changing your habits is to have awareness of what is causing the habit (aka triggering the behaviour/action) in the first place. 

All habits are made up of what is called a “habit loop”, a three-part loop consisting of a cue, followed by a routine (the behaviour) and a reward. If you want to change the “routine” then you need to know what is setting it off in the first place. So, when replacing your habits, get curious and ask yourself “what is causing me to do this in the first place?”

A greater focus on self-care – this year has created a greater emphasis on self-love and self-care. Think about what this means for you. For some people it might be daily yoga or meditation, whilst for others it might be to take vitamins and supplements on a regular basis.

Treating yourself – 2020 has been such a difficult year that the smallest things have felt like a big treat and we have learned to appreciate the smallest things. Instead of resolving to diet and exercise, resolve to treat yourself more in the new year.


Filling the diary – for some, 2020 has certainly highlighted that we don’t need to rush around and be so busy! If you previously felt like a hamster on a wheel, now is the time to stop, take stock and adopt a different approach to your diary management in 2021.

Making up excuses not to exercise – With all that spare time on our hands, many of us have taken up new and different forms of exercise. If you’ve reaped the rewards on your health and wellbeing, then keep going in 2021.

Doing things that don’t make you happy – reflect on the things that don’t make you happy and ask yourself if they can be culled? If you used to go running but secretly hated it and have discovered yoga during lockdown – stick with yoga! Take stock of all those obligations and set out to make some changes next year.


Appreciating the little things – for many people this year has not been about what we want, but what we need – and there’s a big difference. If this has been the year where you’ve started to appreciate nature, walking, reading, gardening and hobbies that weren’t previously on your radar, think about the impact they’ve had on your health or mental wellbeing and carry on!

Quality time with family – It’s been a year of really appreciating our nearest and dearest as well as finding new ways to spend time together and enjoy each other’s company. Cherish those newfound pleasures and stick with them in the new year.

Loving yourself – it’s also been a year of finding new hobbies and ways to keep ourselves occupied when we’ve had too much time on our hands. You’ve survived this year and you’ve learnt a lot. Whether it’s been a good book, a long soak in the bath or taking time to meditate, however you’ve learnt to love your own company this year, keep those positive things in your life going forwards.

Wassen’s expert formulas were originally created over 40 years ago to supplement vital minerals. This year the full range has been improved with higher levels of nutrients and now only contains natural colours. Wassen’s formulas combine these essential minerals with vitamins to offer solutions for everyday health.  The Wassen range is manufactured in the UK to the highest standards with high quality sources of vitamins and minerals.  

Food supplements should not be used a substitute for a balanced diet or healthy lifestyle.

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.