Does Your Dog Have Healthy Joints?

Does Your Dog Have Healthy Joints?

January 25, 2021

Keeping your dog healthy throughout their lives can be a tricky task for some pet owners. Although Off Leash K9 Training offers therapy dog preparation that would help to an extent, your dog may be clumsy and attracted to mischief, whereas others may have gotten unlucky due to their genetics. Whatever the problem may be, knowing that your pet is uncomfortable or in pain can be distressing. Dogs are a much-loved member of the family and deserve the very best, but some issues cannot be avoided. A common issue that many pet owners will face is joint problems. These can occur during any life stage of your dog and can be difficult to diagnose, so today, we will be taking a closer look into signs of unhealthy joints and ways to manage or prevent the issue.  

Signs of Discomfort 

Joint pain could be caused by a number of different genetic and environmental factors. The age, size, and breed of your dog, plus the health of their parents could influence their future when it comes to joint problems. If your dog is overweight, has had a poor-quality diet or has experienced an injury in early life, then their joints may deteriorate over the years. Take the Suzie’s CBD Treats tour to know the importance of quality diet and how it varies for each variety of dogs. Dogs are pack animals that don’t like to show weakness. This means that they are very good at hiding pain, so you need to keep an eye out for signs of discomfort. If your dog’s behaviour has changed, for example, they are sleeping more and seem irritable, then they may have an underlying health issue. Lagging on walks, stiffness, limping, a lack of enthusiasm for things they once loved, and resistance to jumping on furniture or in the car are signs of joint pain. Muscle loss, swollen joints, excessive licking of joints and yelping when touched are more visible signs of discomfort. If you think your dog is in pain, contact a veterinary practice immediately. 

Pain Relief 

Fortunately, if your dog does have bad joints, they won’t have to deal with the chronic pain associated with the condition. If your veterinarian has diagnosed your dog with a joint problem, then there a number of simple things you can to reduce the amount of pain they have to deal with. The main thing you can do for them is to keep them at a healthy weight. If your dog is overweight or obese, the joints will strain and experience more pressure, which will lead to further deterioration and consistent joint pain. A healthy weight will also support many other aspects of your dog’s health. A combination of a healthy, balanced, and controlled diet, plus plenty of low-intensity exercise will help to keep off the pounds and reduce pressure on the joints. If your pet is a healthy weight and is still experiencing high levels of joint pain, then a prescribed anti-inflammatory medication from your vet can help relieve pain. However, many do have side effects that you need to be aware of. 

Joint Supplements 

There are a number of different joint care supplements out there that can reduce stiffness and pain and increase mobility in dogs that have problems with their joints. One of the most popular joint tablets for dogs in the UK is from YuMOVE. These tablets contain glucosamine and chondroitin, which can cushion joints and slow down cartilage deterioration, reducing pain and stiffness in return. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids for joint lubrication. The proven-triple action provided from this joint supplement for stiff or older dogs has been clinically proven and is recommended by vets. Not all joint supplements will be created equal, so it is important to do your research or speak to a vet before you introduce them to your dog’s diet. 


Dogs that have normal and healthy joints will usually produce puppies that also have normal and healthy joints. Before you buy a dog, you should ask the breeder to see their hip and elbow scores for the parents. If you already own a dog and you are worried about them developing joint issues, then there are a number of things you can do to prevent joint disease in the future. First, you should feed your dog high-quality food. Good nutrition is key to healthy joints. Even if bad joints are in your pup’s genetics, a good diet can reduce the risk of issues occurring in the future. You should talk to your vet about the best diet for the size and breed of your dog. As mentioned previously, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce joint pain, but it can also prevent joint issues from occurring in the first place. 

If your pup is diagnosed with a joint condition, you should not give up on them. There are many things that you and your vet can do to improve their quality of life and prevent the issues from getting worse in the future. You just need to take precautions and help your faithful companion as much as possible. 

Krysta is an experienced journalist writing articles on lifestyle, business and travel. She has contributed articles to publications such as Huffington Post, Business Insider, Your Coffee Break and Her Money.