Eight Kind Things You Can Do for Random Acts of Kindness Day

Eight Kind Things You Can Do for Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 15, 2021

As we come to Random Acts of Kindness Day (17th February), more people in the UK are wanting to help people as they experience the ‘helpers high’ associated with good deeds, a UK kindness charity has said.

Jaime Thurston, founder of 52 Lives, the charity that uses kindness to change people’s lives every week, has seen a significant increase in donations following the lockdowns, enabling the charity to help more people across the country. 

The charity, in partnership with Gala Bingo, has managed to increase its support of vital causes, particularly elderly care homes and running free virtual kindness workshops for young children. 

Here she lists eight kind things you can do right now to help others: 

1. Tell a keyworker they are doing a good job

If you do get out and see a supermarket worker, healthcare staff, or any other keyworkers, tell them they are doing a good job. These are essential people who are putting themselves at potential harm to keep the country going – the ultimate display of kindness. It could make their day to tell them how grateful you are. 

2. Call an elderly relative or friend

One of the key things we can do right now is to care for those struggling alone in self isolation, which is more often than not the elderly.

If you have someone in your life that is struggling alone, give them a quick call or text to let them know you are thinking of them. 

3. Do a chore you wouldn’t normally do for your partner or housemate

Doing something you might not usually do for your housemate like hanging up their washing if they’re busy or cooking something special for your partner is a lovely thing to do and one that only costs your time. 

4. Give to a cause

Not everyone has enough to share, but if you do, a great way to help others is to donate to a worthy cause. And whilst donations to the NHS are fantastic, it’s important to remember some of the smaller charities, which may be really struggling at this time.

You could also give your time to a charity, supporting a good cause through volunteering can be just as valuable as a monetary donation. 

5. Be present

We are all at home a lot more than we usually would be and we may think we are spending more time with our families. However, with work, TV and social media, we are still busy and perhaps not fully present at home. 

To become more present, take some time away from your screens and give your loved ones your full attention. Try and do activities together that don’t involve technology such as a jigsaw, baking or going for a walk. Focus on still having quality time together even though you may be spending more hours in each other’s company. 

6. Let others be kind to you

By being kind to others you will attract kindness in return. Accept the kindness of your loved ones, whether that is by picking up the phone to them or taking them up on their offer of getting you essentials from the shops. They will feel good that they have helped you in some way and exchanging kind acts will develop and maintain a deeper connection with that person. 

7. Smile at people

Not only is smiling good for our health as it relieves stress and makes us feel good but it’s also contagious. Smiling at someone is likely to initiate a smile back and will make both you feel happy. 

Smiling also makes you look more approachable and could initiate a much-needed conversation for someone whilst outdoors. A short chat, from a social distance, with someone you pass in a park or on a walk, could make a huge difference to a person’s day. 

8. Keep your distance!

One of the kindest things people can continue to do is keep their distance from each other. Whilst it isn’t easy not being able to see family and friends like we used to, it’s important to remember that everyone’s health should be the number one priority. 

We’re seeing more kindness emerging than we ever have before. People are innately kind, and in times of crisis, we come together and want to help one another.

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.